When the power goes out in sub zero temperatures, and your heating does too, it helps to be able to make hot water on the stove to warm up.
Otherwise, yeah induction is better.
When the power goes out in sub zero temperatures, and your heating does too, it helps to be able to make hot water on the stove to warm up.
Otherwise, yeah induction is better.
Worse than that, the issue the article states isn’t that it’s a flat pack, it’s that fedora is pushing their rebuilt flat pack of obs that’s buggy instead of the official obs one from flat hub that works, and then the obs project is getting bug reports for a third party distribution that’s broken.
Because fedora isn’t just pushing flat packs, they’re pushing made by fedora versions of them instead of the official builds from the maintainers.
Our two cats will sometimes play by one grabbing a cat dancer or string toy and dragging it around while the other follows, so you could try that sort of toy where it’s all attached but they can each have their own piece of string to grab.
The other way our cats will play together is one will get up on the dining table and start knocking shit off the table for the other to play with… But that’s not really our preferred method.
Our cats are siblings/bonded pair so your milage may vary. They also sometimes just chase each other which is fun for them too I guess.
If you haven’t fallen down the keyboard rabbit hole then you don’t know just how far it goes…
It very much can be a hobby costing thousands of dollars and resulting in several keyboard projects.
The proxmox interface let’s you make the containers, but you have to install the software you want to host in that container after creation.
These scripts let you run a script that makes the container and also installs what you want to host within the container and does the setup.
I used their script to set up a home assistant vm, you run the script and it downloads the HaOS install media and does the install in the VM for you, preconfigured, and starts it so all I had to do was go access the web interface.
Just switch to visual mode and select the text and yank it.
Press v where you want to start the selection from (switches to visual mode), hjkl (or arrow keys) to move the cursor to the end, then you can yank it from there. It’ll highlight what you’re selecting just like you’re using your mouse, but you’re using the keyboard.
If you want to get really fancy there are 3 different kinds of visual mode, but lower case is the most often one that I use because it’s char by char, V is line by line, Ctrl+v is “block” (you can select chunks across several lines omitting things at the beginning or end of lines).
Ctrl+V to do the block mode is nice if you need to edit the same part of several lines that all line up vertically, you just Ctrl+v, jk to select the lines, then I (shift+i) to insert on all those lines (if you’re in vim you can delete things in insert mode also, if you’re in vi you’ll need to delete first then insert)
Agree, also confused because Debian seemed to get security updates rather frequently when I’ve used it.
That’s like their whole thing, stable and security updates. I would be curious if there are examples of exploits that weren’t patched quickly on Debian stable.
This sounds like a good book to me, really hope you find it again as I know what it’s like to vaguely remember some show, movie, or book from years ago and not know what it was called or how to find it again.
Definitely would love to read it if you find it, that sounds like a great book.
As long as you don’t get the runs in your jeans.
Emoji are defined as part of Unicode, so they can be encoded alongside other text:
Kroger is a grocery store chain in the US, I suspect they don’t operate in Germany but I might be wrong.
They basically are or own many different grocery store chains across most of the US.
Counter strike 2, released recently and runs on Linux, I can’t say that the people you’ll meet on that will be that great all the time, but you may be able to meet people there.
You might also be able to meet people in RuneScape or old school RuneScape, or other MMO type games, usually they have clan features where you can join a group of players.
Not sure if it’s still busy with players but kingdom of loathing also at least used to have players you could chat with live, and could join a clan or something like that in there.
I love the offer of almost $15k to then say they can bargain if the users are active, like if it’s worth that much without active users then that’s definitely shady.
Just install the DE you want on the distro you want… You aren’t limited in your DE by your selected distro, and you can have multiple installed. most of the time you have a drop down when you login that lets you pick your DE.
Granted, Fairphone had to entirely do the BSP and entire update themselves because the SoC vendor doesn’t support A13.
The real issue here isn’t with the OEMs it’s the chip set vendors not supporting Android as long.
I suspect many of them aren’t humble at all though.
The Fairphone. Fairphone 2 was updated from Android 5 through 10 (5 years on the latest version) Fairphone 3 started at 9 and is currently on Android 13, that’s five years, and hasn’t had it’s last update yet.
That’s two Android phones with at least 5 years on the latest OS, and Fairphone 2 got patch updates until this year, giving it support and updates from 2014 until 2023
I should look into how to do the rollbacks, I’ve noticed it doing snapshots but haven’t needed to do that yet. Still should know before I do need it.
My worst problem so far was dual booting to Debian and having the efi entry for Garuda disappear and then not being able to get back easily without modifying debian’s grub. Not fixable with snapshots but still simple enough for me to fix.
Typically those shouldn’t be used indoors though, right? Usually a gas stove will have ventilation, but no gas stove, then likely not enough ventilation and you’ll need to step outside or crack a window to cook with gas.