I’ll stick to Python. If I wanted to program in C, I would just program in C.
I’ll stick to Python. If I wanted to program in C, I would just program in C.
Musk starts a company to verify what he’s known all along:
Universe Simulation Detection: running... Result: Confirmed
I’m currently testing the Netflix “Killed Off” subscription plan. 0.00 a year and ad free!
Antiwork mods should quiet quit. Sit back and let the house burn down.
Crafting the shield and learning the block-jab-jab-jab combo is absolute key. They don’t go explaining this and I think it turns people away from the game.
Grounded is a pretty solid moderately-difficult survival game. The hunger/thirst is a little aggressive, but you don’t have to micro manage everything.
What I’m hearing is you can live rent free for about 3 months before you can be evicted by court order.
I hope they fix the early game balance. You have to chop down a whole tree to get a log, to make one shitty wooden spear. You can throw the spear to kill a rabbit, but hit or not it loses 25% durability instantly. And one rabbit only keeps you going for a couple minutes. Just needlessly painful to get started.
All I put was “I like bees and to yeehaw proudly”. Its probably just a way to filter out bot accounts.
My desire to open Reddit compulsively “will pass” too.
Downvotes can be bad but imo only upvotes can be worse.
This is true too. I can only hope disinformation and harmful content can be reported to moderators that will take action to remove it.
Agree entirely. Down voting encourages a hive mind mentality which builds echo chambers and is whats wrong with most social media platforms.
QWOP, now in 3D! 🏃
Its a glitch fest. I tried to land my ship near where the planets were intersecting but passed right through the ground into the empty “center” of the planet. The other planet was still hurtling at me at full speed and I was helpless but to smack right into the it. I then got stuck rubberbanding between falling through the surface and the game trying to push me back out to correct the issue. Eventually I took enough damage from hitting the surface that my ship exploded. :D I just respawned at a nearby carrier and went back to get some screenshots.
Eventually the planets will just pass through each other and everything continues until normal.
Cool, looks fun! But remember, no pre-orders and wait for the major patches to release first.
If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t comin’ home!
“Leaked” no, this is advertising.