Werewolves are immune to Charm Person if transformed
The DMCA is one of the worst things to happen to the internet. But go figure, old people with zero understanding created the law.
Also, wrong fucking audience. The people using this are pirating… what do they think is going to happen when they put a paywall in front 😂
There is no movie in Ba Sing Se. Here we are safe, here we are free.
Problem is big sites you’re forced to use (banking sites, work HR systems, etc) would’ve made shitty decisions and required it to use their site. It would be like the old “you have to use IE 6” era
It’s only “bell”, the entire plot of the movie is that they think he couldn’t manage to finish saying “belt”, but had actually finished
The galaxy is in Orion’s bell…
You have to subscribe or else it just goes transparent.
It’s a step to prevent further shenanigans of the same kind that he’s already been doing for years
My world ends whenever someone doesn’t understand hyperbole
In the distant past, yes, but I’ve got my Z Flip 5 set up to use all the Android standard applications and settings. It was trivial to do
Lots of hate for Samsung in here… I actually just switched from Pixel (and before that Nexus phones) to Samsung for the first time ever, because the Z Flip 5 is everything I’ve ever wanted in a phone form factor.
No regrets so far, had it 2 weeks now!
Martina Hill is fucking hilarious. I don’t understand German but I love her sketches; they are often physical comedy so you don’t need to know German.
I prefer Bimothy. Bim for short.