Any files created by programs running in the dev environments will remain.
Any files created by programs running in the dev environments will remain.
NixOS containers could do what OP’s asking for, but it’ll be trickier with just nix (on other distro). It’ll handle build dependencies and such, but you’ll still need to keep your home or other directories clean some other way.
The invasion has been such a catastrophic failure that I don’t see how “escalate things again in a few years to come” is even remotely plausible, even if they do get some concession at this point.
How does Tor help ssh
behind NAT?
Smartphone use is certainly something that should be decided on local level. Global bans only make sense for universal human rights, or things like climate change that have global effects.
The issue is, social change should be driven by the locals, through civil organizations, grassroots movements, education, etc. If foreigners want to help, they can help local LGBT groups with support, know-how, expertise.
If, instead, you just go to a foreign country, tell people there how backwards and evil their society is, and demand they change it, at best you’ll be wasting your time, and if you’re high-profile enough, boost local reactionary sentiment.
The advance of LGBT rights in the west has been a long process. And other societies aren’t going to just magically internalize the results of it. They still need to walk the path. But, since it’s already been done once, they can hopefully do it faster.
Indeed, most can speak both. I’m referring to first language.
It was before the big war from 2022, but the was in Donbas was happening at the time. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to reverse this trend while the war’s still ongoing.
But Kyiv the city also has (had before the war) about a quarter of its population being Russian-speakers, so the point stands. That said, I don’t see this trend reversing while the war’s still ongoing.
That’s not what libertarians believe though. Whether they’re right or not is a separate issue. The point is, they exist, and I’d expect them to also like decentralized social networks (like they like decentralized finance).
I guess most pro-capitalism people don’t mind corporate-controlled social media, and so have stayed on reddit. I don’t know why there aren’t more anti-monopolistic pro-capitalism libertarians here, though…
NixOS does that well. I never quite managed to figure out a solution to this on other distros (which is actually what led me into making the jump in the end).
Kind of - but a lot of my communities just don’t get more than one post per day, so that limits the diversity a lot.
For me at least, that’s true on lemmy, but not so much on kbin - my feed there is seems to include smaller communities too.
“The complete inflexibility we see from the UK government today is baffling, frustrating, and ultimately destructive for everyone who wants waiting lists to go down and NHS staffing numbers to go up,” Laurenson and Trivedi added.
Maybe the Tory government doesn’t want wait lists to go down, but want to adopt the US system instead…
Does NOT delete any files that were written to, for example,
from dev shell.One of OP’s problems was,