Looking at your examples, and I have to object at putting scratch in there.
My kids use it in clubs, and it’s great for getting algorithmic basics down before the keyboard proficiency is there for real coding.
Looking at your examples, and I have to object at putting scratch in there.
My kids use it in clubs, and it’s great for getting algorithmic basics down before the keyboard proficiency is there for real coding.
Happens to everyone, and kudos for being sport about it.
Sorry (ok maybe not) but Godot uses an internal script that resembles Python, with optional .net bindings.
The .net bindings are c# native.
You could use f#, but if you’re still learning the ropes that’s setting yourself up to fail, since it’ll limit the use of documentation and add a high hurdle to clear
More like those in Runaway
Why the down vote? Average age in gaza is 19 (yes mean is not median but still). This means that you have a good chance that a large proportion of those killed were kids (and almost all weren’t of voting age last time gaza had an election).
It takes less fuel to eject him out of the solar system. No need to be wasteful.
Les differences semblent être que:
Pour les pro-autoroutes, la récolte a été fait sur une période contenant 2 weekends et sur des zones desservies par la future autoroute, tandis que les anti-autoroute ont ratissé plus large (l’ensemble des 2 départements) et sur une période en semaine.
On peut supposer que les pro ont récolté plus d’avis de personnes qui travaillent et qui vont bénéficier de l’artère de communication, alors que les anti ont pris principalement des non-actifs et des personnes non concernés directement.
“Il y a trois sortes de mensonges: le mensonge ordinaire, le parjure et les statistiques.”
Chacun à fait un sondage en cherchant à obtenir la réponse qui soutiendrait son point de vue, et on n’est pas plus avancé.
No, that last one’s zoophiliac, but probably works too.
Buy them a ticket to Russia, but make sure it’s on one of those Aeroflot jets that don’t have brakes any more…
Honestly? With the benefit of hindsight, I’m actually pleased it wasn’t given the chance to become a Dollhouse.
The movie gave closure, and we left the characters in a good place.
Dollhouse gave us 5 seasons of content in one, and ruined itself in season 2, and many other shows have just run until everyone was sick of them, before getting an anticlimactic ending anyway.
This reminds me of am episode of Love Death and Robots
Technically it’s their client that’s putting the thumb screws to them.
If that’s the case the logical solution is to put your commercial hat on and find another client. Amazon aren’t the only ones paying.
If Amazon was your only client that’ll be tough, but speaking from experience if you don’t diversify your client base, you’re living on borrowed time anyway.
This doesn’t mean Amazon are not being abusive, but the solution isn’t to moan on the internet.
Don’t worry, it’s business insider India, nothing to do with the reputable site.
Got my AWS architect cert 2 weeks ago.
What you can do is setup a spot fleet so it’ll fill up with spots and only use on-demand if spot goes above the on demand price.
You could also have a pure spot fleet and a reserved instance and use a load balancer with health checks to route traffic.
The one thing you shouldn’t do with cloud providers is lift and shift your existing instances, that’s what leads to the crazy prices some people are seeing.
Renting an ec2 on demande and installing your software is almost always the wrong way to do it.
Nvidia 1060 for graphics, got it back in 2017 and haven’t seen the need to upgrade.
If I do change it, I’d be tempted to go AMD, but blender compatibility does have me worried.
Yes and no.
The simple fact that you’re not using IE6 on MSN with Bing search to access a Windows server is more or less proof that the constraints placed on Microsoft at that time did actually have an impact (even if I felt robbed that the company wasn’t split up at the time).
Today the one thing Microsoft is still dominante in is Office software (and even then Google docs is snapping at their heals).
OS? Android is more popular than windows Server OS? Linux rules the roost Browser? Chrome
The company that really needs scrutiny ATM is Google.
You got it wrong, it’s:
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
(no not all conservatives/climate change deniers are narcissists but the overlap is interesting)
I’d totally be down for that kind of community.
DM me if you set it up too.
The point is that they’ve established a relationship between o16 levels and temperature, so if you’ve got twice the o16 then say it was 25% warmer (made up ratio, I haven’t read the study).
This doesn’t tell us what the air temperature was, but it does tell us what it wasn’t (IE upper and lower bounds).
When you have several of these proxies it helps narrow down the temperature range (think how your god works better when you have more satellites).
Now if you know that the last seven days are the hottest on record and you know from your proxies that you are outside of temperatures of the past 100k years then it’s a pretty safe bet to state that we’re at the hottest time in the past 100k years.
There is no melodrama or lying in this fact, unfortunately.
I read somewhere that people in Asia won’t tilt on things like eye or hair colour being different immediately since their so used to black hair/brown eyes that they just filter it out and use other cues.
This also means that people who look identical to say a European are considered to look nothing alike.