Angle grinder and an axe, that man has balls of steel. Fair play to him!
Angle grinder and an axe, that man has balls of steel. Fair play to him!
One of my friends once called me pedantic, and I got to correct his pronunciation of it - he stressed the first syllable. One of the high points of my life.
No worries, there’s going to be a wealth of stuff I have to request myself with, it’s just another thing on the list. Thanks for pointing it out!
Nice one. It’s been a hot minute (or a warm couple of decades at least) since I’ve used Linux, but I had a play a short while back, and remembered more than I expected, so I’m going to turn an old Mac mini that I have spare into a media server
So it’ll go into suspension if I don’t deal with that at install, and I can’t turn it off later easily? That’s a dick, thanks for the warning
Can you recommend a distro for being a media server? I too have been complacent about my media habits, and the time has come to sort it out.
Salty popcorn
Are you a school? ‘Cause I wanna shoot kids in you
Clearly not an Australian, I’ve heard that said on the radio in the afternoon
Wait, are we supposed to think of influencers as humans?
Arctic prison, not gulag, honest
I’ve got planes and a chisel from late 1800s, some of the best tools I own. The steel of the blades is fantastic, and the feel of the handles after more than 100 years of being handled is fairly unique
Mine is a Casio I’ve had for about 30 years, I’m pretty sure it’s mine by now
My hygienist recommended that I use salt water instead of mouthwash, so I’d think you’re probably barking up the right tree
I’ve got a digital watch
You’re dead to me - history, different expert and comedian guest every week, very good
No Such Thing as a Fish - superb trivia show
Sci-Show Tangents - “lightly competitive science knowledge showcase”
A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail - science and math facts around a random topic from 3 very smart people
The Infinite Monkey Cage - science and comedy with Brian Cox and guests
Journey to the Microcosmos - interesting things in our microscopic world
Finding that Gimp, and Darktable are at least as useful as photoshop and lightroom is really satisfying
I have the Flint, I think I paid about $80 for an open box one, it’s easy for a pleb like me to set up. Running Mullvad on it is definitely quicker than on my devices
I’m not downvoting you for posting it, but damn that’s some basic shit. The production is almost nonexistent, every third word is n***a, and he’s clearly playing at being a lot harder than he is. He’s not exactly an amazing lyricist, and he takes himself waaaay too seriously for someone who’s just not that good.
That’s not to say I think everything should be cerebral, I like asshole music as much as the next dickhead, but I would prefer it if it has some humour and cleverness in it, even if it’s being a smartarse like R.A, Dirty Dike or Dabbla.
Just my personal opinion, and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t really like much thug/gangsta rap, all that guns’n’bitches shit feels fake, but that said, there’s a lot of it that I appreciate more than this muppet. I feel like every time I’ve heard a bar about simple rappers rhyming suffixes and claiming to be harder than they are, this is the guy they were talking about.
Shooting small Mancunians in the face with an over-powered stapler.