It’s not all roses and rainbows: Thatcher was a chemical engineer, and the only thing she engineered while in power was the downfall of England as a world power.
It’s not all roses and rainbows: Thatcher was a chemical engineer, and the only thing she engineered while in power was the downfall of England as a world power.
For real though, the shortest license is probably the WTFPL:
Might’ve used it a couple of times myself.
As I understand it, the prophecy is that when the state of Israel is fully unified once more, and the temple of Solomon is rebuilt, Jesus will return and the second battle of Armageddon will commence.
End of the world, rapture of the believers into Heaven, the whole bit.
A tip one contractor passed on to me when caulking: use pieces of toilet paper to smooth it out after applying. You won’t get your fingers gunked up, and toilet paper’s cheap enough that you can use a bit to smooth off a few inches of caulk and throw the paper away.
Think I got through half a roll when sealing up a window frame a couple years back, looks great.
Being realistic, it’s not something I see gaining adoption, mostly because HTCPCP is a joke protocol and isn’t a complete spec. Any internet-connected coffee machine nowadays would probably go through a ZigBee proxy or similar, and talk some proprietary format.
Essentially. If the end user is being asked to make a financial outlay to get to the same things they did before, it’s unlikely that will go down well.
It should, certainly. But the original draft introducing the header had a typo, and now we’re all stuck with it.
Added a second meaning for HA, thanks.
Mm, added a few numeronyms: i18n, l10n, a11y, k8s.
Inserted to the list, thanks.
The database is domain-specific: here in /c/selfhosted, an acronym like IP (if I had that in the list) would mean something different to a database for (say) /c/legal. General acronyms like YSK aren’t included.
Thanks; inserted: HA, LXC, SAN
You make a fine point: it’s case-sensitive, so it’d only see PiHole. Which I guess is fine…
It also doesn’t kick in until at least five comments have been left on a thread, so as not to be spammy as much as possible.
Don’t mind me, just testing acronym detection.
Coffee may be an offence worthy of the Tower, but I hope my Services To Tea offer mitigating circumstances when my case is brought before the King Prince.
My following list; of note is Lisa Melton, whose bio says “Follow me and I’ll fill your timeline with boosts”. She ain’t lying.
Looks like some of the talks from last year were released on the conference’s YouTube, so: hard to say if the recording will be available. I’ll (see if I can) remember to ask on the day.
I’m not the type to go hunting for the Best Bean, self-grinding to a particular size, pour-over…
The basic swill is plenty for me; my current choice is Kenco Instant.
Excellent. I’m on Stage 4 on the Thursday afternoon: “Brewing Tea Over The Internet”.
Should be fun times, see you there.
Mm, reminds me of the old world of IRC. I still remember fondly when I asked for help installing FreeBSD, and got banned with a message of “try linux”.
So I did, never looked back. (Until I got a Mac at least, which counts as a BSD.)