Got my sim rig up and running, so assteo corsa and war thunder.
Got my sim rig up and running, so assteo corsa and war thunder.
Im doing the same… but its so tempting…
Thank you for the correction. Im sure everyone who read my comment was super confused thinking a place was making products…
Wait, no. It didn’t add anything, and people are smart enough to understand the context.
The real problems is that there is no good alternative. Msi, gigabyte etc will all do the same. EVGAs customer support was great. But there producing less and less products.
I dono what people expected. Discord costs money to develop and run. It was always just a matter of time before it cost money.
Thanks for the explanation. The title makes it sound like she was going to jail for anti lgbt comments.
Your right. I dont like windows, but i still like it a hell of a lot more than linux and mac.
A rock through the window is more effective and faster than reading this wall of text.
I mean sure… but using a key to enter isnt really any safer? Like lock picks and jimmys and air bags have been defeating physical locks for even longer? Hell, a brick through a window gets you in faster than anything.
I mean… they were right… i am more conservative as i got older. I now put more money in my 401k. I save more. I eat at home more.
However, i still think other races and sexual preferences are human, and billionaires dont need to exist. Social welfare is still a good thing and probably more important than ever.
I did buy a gun though. Target shooting is fun. But, we need a hell of alot more gun control than there is now. If anything, my experience buying a gun made me more scared due to how easy it was.
Love the star trek memes. And like all things linux, i understand like 20% and the rest goes over my head
This is true, but it would help incentivise the country to move away from fossil fuels.
Also worth noting this would drive up the prices of nearly all goods as well since shipping costs would rise.
There are good incentives for fuel subsidizes, but the goverment has failed at having stipulations to gonwith the subsidizes.
Personally, i think they should nationalize the fuel production industry. No one should get rich from a natural resource, especially one that is destorying the planet. Even more so since they have known about it for 70+ years and have been trying to cover it up.
Yep, it just was better regulated in the recent past. It wasnt always much better, the great depression era was arguably worse. It only took 20 years and a world war to pull us out.
In order of worst to bad…
My cat of 14 years had to be put down, my parents gifted my sister nearly a half million dollars with the reasoning that she needs it more (with the " dont worry, we will even it out later"), my wifes mom semi disowned her ( not sure exactly what this situation is) and wifes dad is playing favorites with step kids.
Does it include accidents by autopilot?
The morality becomes less important the more your mortality is affected.
They are not stripped for punishment or fun, but because any of them could be a walking clamore mine.
I dont condone the actions of the IDF. I think their current strategy is ineffective and counterproductive in the long run. However, actions like this are easily understood if you put yourself in the shoes of a soldier forced to be in that situation under orders.
You dont wana mess with zombie newton.
Lightning and thunder. Awe inspiring and yet terrifying at the same time.
Its kinda perfect down the middle.
Speed and movement like a COD. Very crisp and fluid and fast.
Damage like a sim. Single shot kills, no kill feed or hit markers etc.
I do t consider bonds or CDs as gambling. They are guaranteed unless the entire financial institution dies, in which case your investment in ammo matters more than money.