My kid is learning to drive and I wanted to rent/get ahold of a manual to teach that too, but nothing doing. You can’t find one to rent and I’m not buying a whole car for a few weeks’ training.
My kid is learning to drive and I wanted to rent/get ahold of a manual to teach that too, but nothing doing. You can’t find one to rent and I’m not buying a whole car for a few weeks’ training.
I remember this! And not from the lemmy post. Thanks for the memory.
Gold. You have found gold.
…now on Lemmy
All the ADHDers in here. :(
Same. Same.
and it has Christoph Waltz
My brother had an orange manx cat when I was a kid. I can’t remember if it was a boy or a girl, just that it was the cutest thing.
Basically it’s a breed of cat with a very tiny tail.
Your little bobtail may be a manx.
Though one could argue that there are crops. Religions, churches make a lot of money after all,
oftenwith no taxes.
Yeeeeeeeeees. Please post all theories/stories to !halloween or one of the creepy commmunities. I’ll be waiting for them, mwuhaha.
I’ll explain the logic as I understand it, but that’s it. I was posting for the rule and this was in my memes folder. I’ve had many religion debates and find that no one is ever satisfied on either side and everyone ends up with hard feelings. I’m not here to piss people off. That’s not my nature.
The logic used by the author of the meme is that god doesn’t exist and that it is a made up concept to get people to behave.
Humans want crows to behave a certain way so they made scarecrows.
Humans want other people to behave a certain way so they made god. The meme suggests that the god concept is a behavior modifier. There are no crops.
I have dearrow and I like it. I also installed Unhook, which “hides YouTube related videos, comments, shorts tab, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending, and other distractions”.
Remember kids, don’t let the news tell you how to feel. Watch out for words in the title like “outrage” and “furious”. Anger increases engagement and they know it.
Or alternately when you tell your parents about a memory you have from growing up and they get pissy and say, “You survived”.
Sucks. I’m sorry you experienced that.
Agreed. 100%.
Sometimes though, when we’re frustrated and dumping that out, it sounds like we are saying that. It’s very easy to ‘us vs. them’ the situation.
Example: “Oh my god! Other people remember that they are boiling water for eggs? I have ADHD and I forget and leave the kitchen to do something else all the time. This suuuucks! It’s not fair for us.” I’m sure that there are some ADHD people who don’t have to work with a technique just to cook eggs (I do. I set timers.), but there you have it.
This is why parents of ADHD kids have to hound them to brush their teeth even in teenage years. I won’t relate my history. I’ll just say it was not good.
My hobby is also collecting hobbies. Here is how I effectively kill any new hobby. I invest money in it. I was really into pickleball last summer, played it every day, then bought a racket (I was borrowing), balls, and a bag…and scene.
I am not every ADHD person, but this could have been written by me. I had NO IDEA that you could have something be so ingrained that you don’t think about it. Even if I develop a “routine” of doing something, it is NEVER automatic. I have to put mental effort, even if small, into every task or it won’t get done.
After reading this my definition of habit would be better termed routine. I develop a routine and I try to stick to it. Also I could have a great routine and it lasts for a month or so and then it’s just, I don’t know what else to call it but ‘gone’. It’s gone. That routine is gone.
Also non-cartel coyotes rest during the day. I lived in Nevada where coyotes are a given, but never in my life saw one during the day.