My two most valuable records are the Katamari Damacy vinyl from Fangamer & the Sonic Adventure 2 vinyl from Brave Wave. I got both for $40 at different conventions and they’ve never been re-pressed so they both go for $250 sometimes, even used.
My two most valuable records are the Katamari Damacy vinyl from Fangamer & the Sonic Adventure 2 vinyl from Brave Wave. I got both for $40 at different conventions and they’ve never been re-pressed so they both go for $250 sometimes, even used.
I agree life is short, but also you cannot expect me and thousands of other people to just drop everything to follow the vague goal of “get a work visa”. Not only does that require a ton of planning (picking a country, finding a job, interviewing, being on waitlists, finding a place to stay, etc), but you have to be financially stable too. What am I supposed to do about my lease that isn’t up for several months? What about my pets? My car? My bank accounts? How would I get my medications on whatever new health insurance I’d be on (since every country has different laws for what is over-the-counter VS prescription)? I’d have to leave behind all my friends and family. I’d possibly have to learn a new language, and convert all my money into a new currency. I’d definitely have to learn new labor laws. When my work visa expires would I want to stay in the new country or move back? If I’m staying then I’d have to get citizenship, which is a whole can of worms in itself. The whole “get a work visa” advice sounds awfully similar to the “just get a better job” advice you hear countless times, as if that too isn’t insanely difficult unless you Know A Guy and have connections. I would love to work abroad and such, but myself and many others just do not have the energy or financial means to do so, so we’re stuck here.
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
Both my two-time-car-crash-survivor self with severe PTSD and my breast-cancer-surviving mom (who had to get her boobs chopped off) fucking hate that phrase with a passion. There are some times I have to walk across an intersection and just start crying right there because I’m so terrified. I want to kick the nuts off of whoever came up with that phrase.
To add to everyone else’s replies, there’s also the muxe gender in Zapotec culture (indigenous southern mexico), which is thought to have been around since before Spanish colonization
I would agree with the other comments here and say the best thing to do would be to vet sources. Things like ‘looking through a commenter’s history’ or ‘reading the About Us section of a news site’ and ‘looking at more than just the top 3 results from Google for sources’.
Probably Neopets. I heard some of my classmates talking about it at school so I used my dad’s computer to create an account. Still have login access and all my original Neopets are still there 20+ years later!