biblically accurate samsung galaxy s24
biblically accurate samsung galaxy s24
all my friends in school took shop. i took home ec.
also thought it was a brilliant way to get ‘goddamn’ broadcast uncensored.
if anyone’s interested in some further reading / contextual information on this article / conflict specifically (or conflict generally):
“a fart is a turd honking for the right of way”
who are you, Winston Smith, that’s so important…
that’s uhhh…my point? sort of. the constitution requires no ID. and in general no federal, state, county, or municipal authority provides ID. which makes any requirements unconstitutional.
it’s an anthology series, which, even if people understood before getting into it, could understandably be difficult to really separate oneself while viewing. think about another creator you like. Nolan, Spielberg, whatever. which of their works do you like best? does memento deserve criticism just because you liked interstellar more? or dunkirk? critique for sure, but that’s just to continue to refine the origin of your personal enjoyment of each piece of work. they are by definition of anthology different works.
s1 is masterful. s2 is still as good as the best of shows made these days. same with s3. and looking forward to s4.
and really agree with the VV comment. was this guy for real or just a try hard? for me it’s just fine when an actor’s performance matches their character regardless of if it’s genuinely good or…their ability fits the character traits. still entertainment to me.
you’re absolutely right. perfect should be the enemy of good.
you honestly believe the global south will be no worse if the world’s only hegemon turns fascist?
deleted by creator
no idea why some take issue with your statement…the 9th paragraph of the article:
“The problem is that where destructive earthquakes are rare, buildings are simply not constructed robustly enough to cope with strong ground shaking, so many collapse, resulting in high casualties,” said Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. “I would expect the final death toll to climb into the thousands once more is known. As with any big quake, aftershocks are likely, which will lead to further casualties and hinder search and rescue.”
emphasis mine
am i living in a parallel universe ?
…sounds like it
good thing you explained how
wait was it nesisary or nesusary.
nesesary? nesasary? nesysary?
50,000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong