My my my. You definitely know how to rile someone up! Will look up both. Thanks again. Did/Have you read Always Coming Home? I couldn’t get through it the first time, but images from reading it still linger in my mind.
My my my. You definitely know how to rile someone up! Will look up both. Thanks again. Did/Have you read Always Coming Home? I couldn’t get through it the first time, but images from reading it still linger in my mind.
I’ve read some of her Hainish Cycle and some from the Earthsea series, also LHoD and Omelas and some of her non-fiction. But didn’t know about Birthday of the World until this! More Le Guin is always good. Thank you.
I took a break (almost a week now) after reading Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. Before that, it was her The Bluest Eye. Thinking of reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
Oh. That’s understandable.