False analogy. You’re hopeless. Go back to school.
False analogy. You’re hopeless. Go back to school.
Dialects aren’t the actual language. They’re just wilful ignorance.
And, again, vocabulary isn’t grammar.
Apparently not a very good one, because:
You don’t even know the difference between vocabulary and grammar. You’re dismissed.
Owning fools like you is no effort at all. It’s entertainment. Bye, loser.
I don’t have to deal with mental illness at all by taking it right out of the game using the mod. It takes all of two minutes. It’s easy peasy. It solves the problem definitively and forever.
The real question here is, why are you so insistent that the mental illness remain in the game? Why are you so butthurt over people resisting against mandated mental illness? Maybe you should take these issues up with your therapist.
Which grammar rule changed since Shakespeare’s time? The reason students can still read and understand Shakespeare’s works is that the grammar remains the same. Congratulations, you owned yourself.
You lost by getting caught in a shameless lie. Why are you still talking? Get lost.
No, you didn’t. No high-school biology textbook includes content like that. You’re a shameless lying sack of shit.
It’s not my job to educate you. Repeat high school if you have to.
Personal pronouns are objectively incorrect per the laws of biology and the rules of English grammar. This is not a matter of opinion.
FTL is theoretically possible through wormholes.
Git gud, scrub.
I am. The billions of English speakers in the third world overwhelmingly reject western degeneracy and cultural imperialism. Nobody’s buying what you’re selling.
You’re the one in my post’s comment thread hating on me.
That’s a lot of words to admit that you’re wrong. Bye, loser.
You are currently losing your mind because I offered an option to take out the trash.
English grammar doesn’t change without the consent of the majority. You lose.
Biology is objective. The rules of English grammar are objective. You are wrong per both.
There is no such thing as a preferred pronoun. It is nonsense. Out it goes.
Right. I learned about false analogies in the streets.
You’re dismissed.