I think the vast majority of people just want to go to work, accomplish something that makes the world a little better, get a pat on the back and then go home. There are some people who are selfish greedy animals and capitalism was built entirely by and for those people. They get a thrill out of getting ahead and making more money and feeling superior to others the rest of us get to suffer.
Deleted my account a little while ago but for my feed I think it was higher. You couldn’t block them fast enough, and mostly obviously AI pictures that if the comments are to be believed as being actual humans…people believed were real. It was a total nightmare land. I’m sad that I have now lost contact with the few distant friends I had on there but otherwise NOTHING lost.
My wife worked there for years, no its not. She cried reading the news, she spent years going to field locations, organizing aid and watching the difference it made.
His only concern is himself, he thinks he’ll benefit so everyone else can suffer as far as he is concerned. This is the broad motivation of the entire movement. As if America first didn’t make it obvious enough, it was really “me first”. What they don’t understand is how the me in that is entirely relative and they quickly become expendable.