As someone who used Opera 2002-2013 (Presto era), I quibble with the “always”.
But I do not quibble with the “is”.
As someone who used Opera 2002-2013 (Presto era), I quibble with the “always”.
But I do not quibble with the “is”.
Firedragon (a Floorp-Firefox mod) has its own sync server by default. But “Share/Send to” from Android Firefox to PC Firedragon works out of the box.
Have you tried Firedragon? Floorp-based but with some eye candy and privacy enhancements. (Linux only at the moment)
I also have the LibRedirect extension set so that when I click on a YouTube link, it opens in FreeTube.
Charles Bronson grew up in a coal mining town. Even though everyone worked their asses off, still so poor he sometimes had to wear his sister’s dress to school!
MAGA would have him arrested for that!
The Cena who grovelled to the CCP and little pinks when he called Taiwan a country?
Aura Carreño Rosas is a Hamilton-based reporter from Venezuela, with a passion for pop culture and unique people with diverse journeys.
What??? A Venezuelan who hasn’t been rounded up, deported and slung into in a third world concentration camp without even the pretense of due process?!?
Come on Canadia, is that really the kind of country you want to live in???
“It’s a fact: jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to make steel girders melt! It was the lithium-ion batteries from a Model Y and a Cybertruck fired by railgun into the Twin Towers, with Dick Cheney and Saul of Saul’s 3rd Avenue Deli pulling the triggers. People seen jumping out of windows were actually trans crisis actors wearing batwing suits, who nowadays tour encampments of Venezuelan gang members and Haitian cat rustlers across the Heartland with their drag, Spanish-language version of Hamilton. Buy my supplements!”
Whoa, sorry, don’t know what came over me there.
From Twitter’s “Fail Whale” to X’s “Fash Crash”. Make it happen, Anonymous!
A honey pot?
Can I download and run it on my computer without using Internet?
… say the folks whose budget depends on you believing this kind of stuff?
I don’t know why/how, just know that the admins saw the servers were being overwhelmed by traffic from Brazilian IPs and blocked it for a while.
You’re welcome!
I remember going to the Scala cinema in London in the 80s for a Troma all-nighter: Toxic Avenger 1 & 2 (and maybe 3), Troma’s War and Rabid Grannies!
Looking forward to this!
OK, here goes, everything I can think of. Probably forgetting some things or remembering them wrong. I’ll put question marks around things I’m not sure of. Feel free to correct anything I get wrong.
IPFS? Or some other distributed data storage system? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System
Wonder Woman. Every trite moral lesson from all 7 seasons of Star Trek: TNG crammed into one movie.
IIRC major streaming services like Netflix and Prime do not offer 1080p or 4k streams to Linux browsers, mainly for technical reasons. You have to use some tricks (special extensions or add-ons?) to get anything above 720p.