No idea, I’ve never used either of those tools.
I think some people still use Maven, but I use Gradle in all of mine. Gradle build files are written in Kotlin instead of XML like Maven.
No idea, I’ve never used either of those tools.
I think some people still use Maven, but I use Gradle in all of mine. Gradle build files are written in Kotlin instead of XML like Maven.
Spring moved away from XML ages ago. I work on a 6 year old Spring project and it has never had a single line of XML in it.
Naming things in programming is a solved problem now. You can just name it Thingy, and then ask Copilot Chat what it should be called when you’re done implementing it
At 1/100 speed, light would be so redshifted that you wouldn’t be able to perceive it. However, some X-rays (1-10nm) would be redshifted into the visible range (400 to 700nm).
I guess this means you would have x-ray vision. But you would see little to nothing since our environment normally does not include significant levels of X-rays.
I reported my bike stolen in college and I got a call the next day that they had found it parked in front of a nearby church.
It was stolen on a Sunday. I guess someone didn’t want to be late to service.
Yes. The training data has a bias, and they are using a cheap hack (prompt manipulation) to try to patch it.
There was also a movie called Black Christmas released in 1977, 2006, and 2009
The 2006 mini series or the 2007 movie?
There’s a ton of movies called that. What year?
That’s too bad. My neighborhood is going stronger than ever. All my neighbors are super into Halloween and we all go nuts with decorations and I give out full size bars too. Rumors spread amongst the children and more come to our neighborhood each year.
I overbought on candy to hand out to children and now have a larger candy stash than I ever did as a kid
Why would I go out of my way to purchase and swallow pills when I can just hit a button at work and have it spit out an espresso?
I don’t like the taste but it’s tolerable
Imagine someone buys the Mona Lisa and declares that its not art and da Vinci grafittied their privately owned piece of canvas. Artists around the globe in shambles.
I use Vivaldi because of it’s tab management.
I have it configured to put the tabs in a bar on the right side of the screen. That way you have full tab titles no matter how many you have open.
It’s also got a tiling window manager. So you can select two tabs and tell it to split screen them within the single window of Vivaldi. Or select 3, or 4, or whatever and put them in a grid. All sorts of options.
I’ve got big 4k monitors, so I’ve grouped up some pinned tabs to always be tiled (like my email and calendar)
It’s got lots of other nice tab features and just regular features, but those are the main selling ports for me personally.
Yes. You can barely run them on a high end personal computer.
If you know the line number, the bug is 99% solved
The Expanse is my favorite series and that scene is hands down the dumbest scene in the show. The showrunners actually posted an article before it aired apologizing for it. Well, for the inaccuracies of the gravity assist, not specifically the leaning.
Overall the show is very good about being scientifically accurate compared to other sci-fi. At least when it’s human technology. The alien tech doesn’t play by the rules.
Of course, but I’d still want to contribute to the real world. Luckily my contributions are non physical, so I could work from VR. And I’d have to log out occasionally to exercise.
My mom’s dog always barks at precisely 5:00PM to ask for his meds that he needs to take an hour before he can eat.
He even does it when we drive to another time zone.
We don’t have release branches, the commit is just tagged as being currently deployed in production.
People merge their feature branches to master during working hours (by merging CI validated PRs) and release when they get a chance. Normally do about 10-20 releases per day.