Funny how you dismiss it as consensus.
Funny how you dismiss it as consensus.
Not saying it’s wrong, but the comments here look as much like an echo chamber as any other I’ve seen.
Windows 1; not 2
-Because of a lawsuit from Apple.
Fwiw, I’ve seen some people demonstrate a robust and efficient keyboard based workflow using floating window management. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of what you set out to learn.
Stupid AI, the Q is upside down.
The first version of Windows used tiling.
I’m buying off brand corn chips and adding my own flavors. -Supply and demand.
Silicon Dioxide? -I’ve only seen that in the knock-offs like at Aldi. Here’s why I avoid it (and notice it): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8289701/
-Some alcoholics can get leaky gut from drinking excessively and apparently let it through the stomach lining.
This is why I don’t believe in butt-chugging.
Conspiracy theorists use a scapegoat or analogue. Example: https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/The-Secret-Rulers-of-the-World---David-Icke-The-Lizards-and-The-Jews:7
PSPC w/ TRC lol
Doritos are using Stevia now, which is why they don’t taste as good. I can’t explain the price hike.
devastating natural disasters and a surge of migrants in several parts of the country
-Says it all.
They should rename Pluto to Aminoglycoside since Pluto is associated with a planet in older literature.
I’m just gonna hold my pinion til I see her.
You know what an echo chamber is and ask that question. lol
This seems like an attempt at vote manipulation or brigading. Reddit doesn’t allow it, is it allowed here or something?
Wikipedia is only a source for truth for people that either don’t know what it’s protecting or are in the genocidal cult it is protecting.
I’m sorry you don’t have a sense of humor?
Some people just need to not be told what it is and have it pepared to resemble something they’re familiar with. My family wouldn’t try calamari, but when I took them to a place that had it looking like noodles on a buffet, they tried it and liked it.
edit: Also, lots of people actually like anchovies and eat them on Caesar salad and in sauces without realizing.
Other programs like Photoshop lose money though. FOSS devs should just quit as they’re their own competition.