You mean like the raft of executive orders that Trump just signed that were directly out of Project 2025?
You mean like the raft of executive orders that Trump just signed that were directly out of Project 2025?
Sternly worded letter? Ineffective bleating? Or maybe they’ll escalate to expelling a diplomat or two.
The spice must flow at a cartel controlled trickle.
And some phones have some excellent cameras. I’ve taken some pretty decent shots with my phone camera, like this one of a squirrel eating pizza. Without carrying around a camera literally all the time, I never would have caught that shot.
Same with many of the abuses that we’ve seen caught on camera recently. There are some problems with videos that lack context, but authorities can’t just act with impunity in their face and expect to not have a camera in their face.
No, but people are suggesting giving his murderer a free pass because they don’t like him aka he is unpopular. There’s a good reason that he’s unpopular, just like there’s a good reason that many widely detested people are unpopular. It doesn’t mean we start being a lawless nation.
Even after hearing how much of a total POS shit the CEO is, yes. That’s just a basic part of the rule of law. You murder someone, you get prosecuted. It’s a really dangerous path for a society when it’s open season to outright murder people when they’re unpopular.
It looks like the type of visas that are usually used for vacations give you 180 days per stay and last for 10 years. From what I’ve heard, they’re either fairly easy to get a hold of or ridiculously hard depending on your country of origin. In other news, everything in the US around visas and immigration is fuuuuuuccccckkkkked.
Go from Wales, Alaska near the Bering Strait to the southern tip of Florida. You have traveled 4,580 miles (7,370 km) in 14 states and provinces. At no point were you not in a jurisdiction that was predominantly English speaking.
Mandarin Chinese may have the most number of native speakers, but English has the most number of total speakers, and those speakers are spread much more widely around the world.
The US is a business, economic, and geopolitical powerhouse. So was the British Empire.
I’m not saying that every other language should crawl in a hole and die. I’m currently taking a crack at learning Spanish. But there are pretty solid reasons why Americans make assumptions, even if they are erroneous sometimes.
When you nature wank alone, you wank with Hitler.
But is it?
Even if you assume that it is not blocked, it is still 5. The pipe from 2 to 3 is never reached because 4 leaks out the hole in the bottom. Assume that the hole in the bottom is a flaw and 4 still leaks out the top before the pipe to 3 is reached.
I’m not sure it was ever about respectability. I think he just didn’t have his shit together to actually be president. Campaigns usually start making transition plans long ahead of the election.
The other thing was that he didn’t have as much of a stranglehold on the Republican Party in 2016. It was still very possible to be a politician in open opposition to Donald Trump. So when it came time to pick someone, he couldn’t pick and choose proven loyalists. He just had to choose from among ranks of people who may or may not be hostile.
I’m not sure if this goes in “The Onion” or “Not The Onion”.
From what I hear, one of the most important guardrails last time was the 5S system: smile, say sure, subsequently shred. Trump lacks focus and follow through for anything except his core interests, so some of the people close to him apparently got away with simply not carrying out some of his more boneheaded demands.
44% children, 26% women, 30% men. Gaza is about half under 18, so that’s nearly randomly killing people. That said, these are only confirmed fatalities, so presumably susceptible to bias.
The report is here
So based on your 38 days, that would be March 12th (2020-02-03 + 38 days), no? And Biden was indeed declared the winner on a March 12th, but that was in 2024. It took until April 8, 2020 for Bernie to decide to drop out.
Bernie Sanders won 3 out of 5 primaries that occurred before the DNC called it for Biden in 2020 with Buttigeg picking up 1 other.
I’m not sure how to parse what you’re saying. As far as DNC rules are concerned, they “call” it once all primary races are held.
In 2016 Sanders won 23 races and was at 43% of the popular vote despite extreme pushback by the DNC. He was democratically supported cause he had people voting for him. Democratically.
The Democratic primary uses proportional representation, so candidates don’t win states, they win delegates. Hillary Clinton got 55% of the popular vote, Bernie Sanders got 43%. There are no two ways to slice it, Bernie lost that election by the rules of a democratic election by a sizeable margin. Meanwhile, Hillary was dealing with getting hacked and Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. And you’re forgetting the often adoring coverage that was played to audiences on the left about Sanders.
The selling point for Kamala wasn’t anything in particular about her. She’s the VP and was the only obvious choice. There was no appetite for a contested convention, which was the alternative. It was always going to be an uphill battle, so in a sense she’s also a sacrificial lamb.
If you’re referencing Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020, he wasn’t “democratically popular” in either race. That simply is not supported by polling or election results. He was well behind Clinton by all metrics. Then in 2020, he was briefly “winning” because several similar candidates were splitting the center-left lane. The moment the center-left lane narrowed, Sanders’ lead evaporated.
It’s SOP for candidates to more or less clear the field for an incumbent president. This is partially because of a perceived effect from a strong primary challenger weakening an incumbent. So Democrats were just doing what both parties have been doing for the last half century.
The change from Biden was in response to clear reactions from the US electorate. The electorate saw Biden’s debate performance and was not impressed. There wasn’t time to run a process, so Kamala was the obvious choice given a non-ideal situation. But the electorate got what it wanted in terms of an option that wasn’t elderly.
In the context of the US, it most certainly is. Other places, maybe not so much.
Don’t worry, they’ll still have the West Bank to genocide after the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is complete.