Fuck the EU and forcing me to have a removable battery. It’s fucking stupid. USB C was cool though.
For real fuck them the ass with a hot rod. I do not want your shitty shitty removable batteries.
Fuck the EU and forcing me to have a removable battery. It’s fucking stupid. USB C was cool though.
For real fuck them the ass with a hot rod. I do not want your shitty shitty removable batteries.
Right into Nazi land. Fucking classic. I wouldn’t expect any less.
You people are delusional. You are living in a fantasy.
Tits and a vag to shove my dick in. Christ this is cringe.
Ahahaha what dumb bullshit. He made me pay rent 😭
Christ this shit hurts so bad. Fuck Reddit but you all really should learn how a corporation works and what a BoA is. Spez doesn’t decide what Reddit is. He only executes on vision. Reddit wasn’t getting series G funding in the current economy. Monitizartion of Reddit was coming spez or not.
What a stupid fucking tweet. Just continue to ignore reality, that’ll make life better 🤣
Edge is fantastic. Far better features for Firefox, especially for work and ms365 stuff.
The is a big difference between a paid moderator and setting yourself up for legal liability trusting randoms to do it for free. Reddit has a extremely active paid team that would aggressively review this types of posts. Reddit activity searched out content and forced porn mods to study on that shit.
You have no clue what you are talking about.
So when pornhub decided that uploading your own unverified content was too difficult because of illegal porn pissing off a good chunk of the user base and creators, you think they did that for shits and giggles?
Fuck dude you need moderators. Those moderators need policy and reporting. If you allow users to upload porn you will, not if, be forced to address illegal porn. If you do not you are very very liable for criminal trafficking charges in a worst case scenario.
So unless the mods are actively reporting and removing them yes they are going to have a bad fucking time jackass. Think through the issue a bit more rather then running your mouth with personal attacks.
The eff can spell it out for you. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/12/user-generated-content-and-fediverse-legal-primer
To each their own I suppose 🤣
My point, it’s it’s a downgrade for most people and you can replace the battery at a shop for$10 in labor (or dyi should you choose) if you want to keep the phone.
Tell me you’ve never actually tested the quality of a codex and how it’s used without saying it.
🤦♂️ you people really really don’t get it do you 🤣
A fatter phone is shitty. You really want to split hairs there.
Yeah, cause hosting child porn is definitely okay 🤦♂️
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 a clear victory. It’ll be a few months.
This is the most patronizing response in here 🤣
Christ 🤦♂️
Imagine suggesting this thinking the average user wants to manage this bullshit.
Yeah, not everyone wants to deal with the bullshit and legal ramifications. Shit like this is why this place is going to be difficult to grow.
Then kill yourself. Fuck I hate you doomer tankies.