Lego StarWars ❤️❤️❤️ I loved it already as a kid and it’s still one of the games I like to play from time to time. It’s so nice that it’s made in a way that you can play in coop with people who never used to game before but it’s also fun for someone who has a fair share of gaming experience and it’s still fun for everyone.
That one single song that played on the load screen of Boiling Point - Road to Hell. It was incredibly good and I still listen to it from time to time. Boiling Point Road to Hell Main Theme
Not only presenting a solution that is impossible to build but telling the potential customers it’s already there and just needs small adjustments to fit their needs. YoU cAn Do It In OnE wEeK, rIgHt? JuSt AsK cHaTgPt
Might be because the average Linux user is way more aware of how useful a crash report can be and therefore actually submitted them. At least most Linux users I know actually read error/ crash messages and not just call someone saying there was some pop-up, I just clicked ok and the game was gone.