Can always run a linux distro with a windows VM in virtualbox to access those softwares when you need them.
I do the exact opposite rn but my plan is to switch them… whenever I get around to it…
Can always run a linux distro with a windows VM in virtualbox to access those softwares when you need them.
I do the exact opposite rn but my plan is to switch them… whenever I get around to it…
Windows 10 but I do most of my work in an ubuntu 22.04 VM in virtualbox. But use windows for games and casual use.
Server runs ubuntu 20.04 server which has a bunch of services for my network and my main storage.
Laptop runs ubuntu 22.04 desktop. It’s an old laptop so I’m using ubuntu to extend its life.
No-IP has been great for me for about a year now. No complaints.
Also, you don’t need a crazy router to get started. Mine is a crappy $100 router. Most will have port forwarding if you need to expose ports, or ddns if you want a domain name. There are some things you’d want a slightly more powerful router for (like maybe a media server serving most of your house). But you can always upgrade your router.
I have a salvaged desktop in a closet which I use for:
Since I have ports exposed (I know), I have it configured for no root login, some default ports are set to non default ports, and I have fail2ban installed.
I’m pretty proud of my setup and it’s made my life and work flow pretty awesome and simplified, especially with the WFH/hybrid stuff.
I want to try nextcloud so I can consolidate my calendar(s?), and get rid of trello as a service, in addition to serving my NAS files. But i want to test drive it first and I dont have a system to do that properly at the moment.
Yeah dual boot is probably also bad long term for your drives if you switch frequently enough.
I havent switched the host and guest either because of how much work will have to go into configuring so I get that too.
Just looked up photopea and that’s interesting I’ll have to try it out!