belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon

i am unimaginably sleepy

  • bbbhltz
    92 years ago

    Monday. Alarm goes off. Partner says to turn it off cause she set hers for later. She did not.

    Cue panic mode.

    Partner looks at clock. It is 8:22. Son needs to be at school in 8 minutes. There is a class trip.

    We made it. School is across the street.

    Came home. Sat on couch and wasted time on internet. At 9:30 my phone pings. Says I have a meeting at 10. I think, “that’s a mistake…I work this afternoon”.

    I check the online schedule. I have meetings all morning from 10 to 1PM.

    Cue panic. Shower and eating. Dressed. Run out the door. Exhausted. Hot. No coffee.

    Phone dies as I sit down for the first meeting.

    Not an awesome start. But, kinda fun in a way.

    • jay
      22 years ago

      Nothing like a chaotic start to a week! Hopefully you just got it all concentrated at the start so now things will be smooth sailing :)