It’s good at automating basic things, it can really help be a tool but it’s extremely lacking and while it will lead us to new places, I think it will go hand in hand with how we regulate and evolve alongside it.
It’s good at automating basic things, it can really help be a tool but it’s extremely lacking and while it will lead us to new places, I think it will go hand in hand with how we regulate and evolve alongside it.
In college, I focused a lot of my time on working in a laboratory and studying with a difficult major. I also did have a close group of friends but I was far too committed to school.
It ends up working out, most people grow apart from college. It is a special time in your life, you are learning about who you are and what you like to do. Ultimately, in my opinion, it was far more important to me to learn how to work hard, solve complex problems and be resourceful than the social aspects.
If it is your last year, I would heavily recommend focusing on connections with staff, career services, other people who will be useful for getting a job, figuring out how to best apply all these skills you’ve learned into a career.
I was able to use a connection from a class to get into a job that led to the role I’ve been at happily for over a decade. So, definitely I would think about the future, connect with those around you, try to trust yourself that you’ll figure it out.
Of the original Dark Souls? Vaati’s series is very illuminating but the story itself is mostly told through the item descriptions and NPC interactions.
This summary on the wiki covers the overarching story!
100%, I try to be nice to everything I encounter. Always a good please and thank you.
wow, this is actually amazing.
You’d think a rapidly developing service like Lemmy might face restrictions like that due to resources but Twitter? Mismanagement beyond belief.
Your answer is as good as the that headline is bad. this was a very informative and correct analysis of aspartame. kudos
It was very satisfying flipping and sliding phones like this. I wonder how it would be to transfer back to a tactile physical keyboard after all this time. I’m not sure if it’s just nostalgia but I almost feel like it would be better
It was very satisfying flipping and sliding phones like this. I wonder how it would be to transfer back to a tactile physical keyboard after all this time. I’m not sure if it’s just nostalgia but I almost feel like it would be better
super interesting inside look
I’m sorry but this response is cracking me up.
I definitely find the content to be deeper and more meaningful. I like the slower pace but I find myself excited to see posts with lots of comments.
Nothing like a chaotic start to a week! Hopefully you just got it all concentrated at the start so now things will be smooth sailing :)
I really was dreading work this week. There are a number of large things that are kind of just getting kicked down the road so it’s hard to truly disconnect on the weekends. I have a good plan and support network but it’s just a long road.
Sometimes in life, we have to just accept being uncomfortable and work through it. I have also found a new power in positive self-talk, combining this with meditation has given me some well needed moments of peace of mind.
Finished the campaign for D4 over the weekend, still lightly dipping into TOTK, trying not to rush through it.
Waiting for the first season to not burnout on D4, probably in need of picking up another game here soon. Really could go from something like Stardew….
If you’ve never considered therapy, here is a sign to talk to somebody professionally. In my experience, existential dread is best discussed with building up a foundation of good mental health practices. A couple of more specific thoughts:
Every generation of humans have thought they’d be the last. We are a resourceful species.
What does the future hold? How will climate change impact our lives? It’s really unknown at this point. All the articles and science in the world is educated speculation.
There are new technologies being created but in a lot of ways the pandemic showed us that people really cannot seem to get it together. If you are passionate about the environment, there is many areas of activism and volunteering to get involved with.
Ultimately, you cannot control what happens with the climate or the future. A lot of times anxiety can come from situations we can’t control but so much of life is out of our hands. Learning to live in the moment and go with the flow is an art.
It is interesting to see all the responses here, I happen to agree with you. It seems like penmanship is almost the cursive of today.
Handwriting is definitely a more fundamental skill but still in 100 years a lot can change! Think about all the other obsolete practices from 1923. Screens and machines are already ubiquitous in our daily lives.
Hopefully this serves as a cautionary tale going forward and dissuades other misinformed people about the purpose of regulations. All loss of life is tragic but hopefully it can serve as a warning.
After the TOTK release, all the amazing mechanics, graphics, and creativity? While I think maybe TOTK is setting new bars, it really shows how much they’ve just churned out the Pokémon games without any thought.