I diagnosed myself yesterday after seeing that Goth Clown meme, I looked at that stupid meme several times throughout the day before realizing it was a Cloth Gown. I know now for certain that I am dyslexic. I’m going to get a medic alert bracelet, just in case I’m found unconscious
If someone ever tried to show me something on their phone and they have some weird font I just run. What they’re showing is likely going to scar me emotionally and is likely very crazy
People really use this awful font as their default??
Should be using Papyrus
Watching that skit never ceases to get a genuine laugh out of me. I’m literally gonna go watch it right now lol
Might be their best one ever
I know what you did…
Hey finally someone got the reference!!
Wingdings is where it’s at
or Comic Sans
At least comic sans is legible
There’s a comic I follow on IG (candy hearts I fhink) that uses papyrus to troll people. Lol
Sheryl does.
I think it matches the content in this case 😅
It makes it easier to read if you have something like dyslexia
man I don’t have dyslexia and this is much easier to read than something like arial
I think you might have dyslexia
no it’s not that
Yes it is, you’ve been diagnosed by an internet stranger so please just accept your fate and hstu eht ufck pu
I diagnosed myself yesterday after seeing that Goth Clown meme, I looked at that stupid meme several times throughout the day before realizing it was a Cloth Gown. I know now for certain that I am dyslexic. I’m going to get a medic alert bracelet, just in case I’m found unconscious
I don’t think dyslexia requires… hm. Nevermind.
Kevin is the man my cunt cheryl has been having an affair with
If someone ever tried to show me something on their phone and they have some weird font I just run. What they’re showing is likely going to scar me emotionally and is likely very crazy
Much as I don’t like to judge people on fonts, this one reeks of psychopath.
I think some old phones defaulted to it
Phones from ancient Egypt.
Just like aunt Sheryl.
Unless my family members willingly chose it…
Bad news, mate
Bring back comic sans!!
I’ve started sneaking it into change controls with whatever snarky tone I can muster…