So I’ve been drinking and it becomes like I drink water and I puke right away. So it’s like what’s the point of puking if I can’t get rid of all the toxicant in one go. I end up just puking whatever I put in. I assume puking is good but yeah I don’t get the point if it can’t be just a one time thing.

    659 months ago

    I feel like no one is addressing the fact that this shouldn’t be happening very frequently as your making it sound. Either you’re drinking too much, to the point of being alcoholic. That or something is wrong with your body.

    • federalreverse-old
      139 months ago

      Seriously. I puked the first few times when I wasn’t used to alcohol at all. I also puked once when I drank way too much which is something I never repeated. Beyond that, I didn’t puke much.

    • Parafaragaramus
      109 months ago

      Hm, I feel like most alcoholics don’t puke until they have some other very likely related health issue.

        39 months ago

        Yeah I think it would be more accurate to say they were abusing alcohol.

        It could easily lead to alcoholism, which usually includes building up a tolerance such that your body doesn’t cause you to puke as often.