So I’ve been drinking and it becomes like I drink water and I puke right away. So it’s like what’s the point of puking if I can’t get rid of all the toxicant in one go. I end up just puking whatever I put in. I assume puking is good but yeah I don’t get the point if it can’t be just a one time thing.
Poisoning. You have alcohol poisoning.
Correct. And the body will continue attempting to throw up so long as it continues experiencing the symptoms of being poisoned. It has nothing to do about an empty stomach, if it still thinks the body has ingested something, it will keep purging.
This is the whole premise of motion and sea sickness, the body thinking it’s poisoned. In the case of alcohol, it actually is.
I feel like no one is addressing the fact that this shouldn’t be happening very frequently as your making it sound. Either you’re drinking too much, to the point of being alcoholic. That or something is wrong with your body.
Seriously. I puked the first few times when I wasn’t used to alcohol at all. I also puked once when I drank way too much which is something I never repeated. Beyond that, I didn’t puke much.
Hm, I feel like most alcoholics don’t puke until they have some other very likely related health issue.
Yeah I think it would be more accurate to say they were abusing alcohol.
It could easily lead to alcoholism, which usually includes building up a tolerance such that your body doesn’t cause you to puke as often.
Because alcohol is poison and you’re drinking too much of it. If you’re puking at all you already over did it.
Skill issue
your body has quit trusting your judgement of what you put in.
Your body won’t let you throw up more than you can in one go. If you haven’t noticed, when you throw up, your whole body tenses, you’re wrenching hard, and you can’t breathe. If you’ve been drinking for hours, you have a lot of poison in you. If it takes multiple purges, your body couldn’t get it out in one go. You’re expelling air as well as everything in your stomach. So you’re starving for air, expending a lot of energy, and your airway is full of vomit. Your body knows you need to breathe, so it won’t just expel everything no matter how long it would take. Not to mention your muscles are only so strong, and those muscles don’t get worked out super regularly.
So basically your body just can’t. If you’re puking more than once, you needed to. Because there have been plenty of times where I’ve eaten something off and I threw up once and felt better/didn’t need to throw up again.
But also, I agree with everyone else. It sounds like you have a problem.
Because the toxins your body is reacting to are already in your bloodstream. It’ll take time for those to get metabolized by your liver, and how much or little you vomit won’t change how much work your liver has to do.
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Given your “it becomes like I drink water”, I think you have a serious problem.
They’re explaining that after getting that drunk, even drinking just water makes them puke. Not saying that they drink alcohol like it’s water.
I mean when you say you’ve been drinking, how much?
No you shouldn’t be puking if you’re drinking unless you’re drinking way too much
And it’s not good. Puking is bad.
Puking is good, it helps to get rid of toxic stuff in your stomach. The fact that you need to puke is bad, because it means you ingested toxic or poisonous stuff.
If you’re drinking enough to be puking, you’re drinking too much.
Your stomach ain’t ready for it yet. Vomiting forces the usual flow of what you’ve taken in to flow to the reverse direction and dragging things, like the acids in your stomach, with it.
It’s quite a shock for the body. Depending on the severity of the vomiting, it can take a little, until it’s ready to ‘take in’ again.
IANAD this is just what i experienced myself with vomiting in the past and what my brain made out of it.
Take a bag, fill it with water, and grip it loosely at the top so all your fingers wrap around like a loose fist.
Now, without turning the bag, use your other hand to empty it by squeezing out the water.
You get most of it out, but there’s still some in there, even if you squeeze violently and it seems like nothing else can come out.
Also, for most of human history, if you’ve poisoned yourself ingesting something, chances are the next thing you’re ingesting is still poisoned. It’s only recently we’ve worked out distilled poison and purified water. So, biologically speaking, better to just be sick for a day so you can get to a different water/food source.
It may be a medical issue. Maybe you are histamine intolerant, or allergic/intolerant to some other ingredient of the stuff you’re drinking?
Do you also get flushed in the face? Seems like some kind of alcohol intolerance. Theres a gene thats common in east asians that can cause this. A vietnamese friend of mine has a similar reaction when he drinks.
Vomiting can be a symptom of dehydration. You couple the body’s toxin response from the booze with the dehydration caused by the booze, and this can lead to vomiting. In fact, most classic hangover symptoms are dehydration symptoms.
The first place your body starts to absorb alcohol is through your mouth, especially under your tongue. You, of course, absorb alcohol through your stomach as well. The highest rate of alcohol absorption happens in the small intestines, however. This is why your blood alcohol level continues to go up well after your last drink.
Our bodies can process, on average, one serving of alcohol per hour. The serving size depends on the alcohol by volume of the specific drink, the person’s biological sex, and the person’s weight. If you drink more than your body can process, it begins to build up in your blood stream and cause intoxication. Once it is in your blood stream you are at your body’s mercy to process it. There is no real, effective trick to “sober up”. Tactics may make you feel more alert, but your BAC won’t change. Food won’t help, coffee won’t help, and slamming water won’t help speed this process up.
Basically, unless you’ve chugged a bunch of alcohol in a very short amount of time, vomiting won’t save you. By the time you feel nauseous, the damage is already done. Your body has absorbed and is processing the alcohol you already drank.
I have an interesting question regarding this. I drink occasionally but not to the point where I’m shitfaced, usually not feeling very drunk or not drunk at all and yet I still throw up.
I throw up multiple times a couple of times in a row and I have no idea why this happens. I wouldn’t believe it’s alcohol poisoning since it has happened at as low as 3 beers (regular strength, not any ridiculous IPA type beers).
I’m curious if any more educated people have any idea what this can be about. I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for years but have just mostly given up on drinking instead.
Is it possible you’re allergic to alcohol?
I mean, if that’s possible then maybe?
Maybe it’s some kinda allergic reaction. I know some people will get migraine like symptoms with red wines. Something to do with the tannins (compounds that give the ‘dryness’ effect in wines).
Are these craft brews or domestic stuff like Coors/bud?
Could be, I drank more beer before, recently it’s mostly been ciders. I rarely drink wine though, I’d rather have more beers/ciders that I enjoy the taste of than drink to feel intoxicated. Occasionally I drink a glass of whiskey or two on the weekends and that’s usually not an issue.
Are you able to burp?
Do you feel full/bloated after drinking a few beers?
Burping is no issues.
And I’ve never really noticed being bloated when drinking. But that’s nothing I’ve really thought about either, I’ll pay attention to it next time but nothing I noticed the other day at least.
Then your situation is different to mine.
A lot of us are unable to burp at all, and that’s the cause for throwing up with just a few beers. Too much gas and no way to let it out makes you explode.
Yeah I’ve heard about this issue aswell, my friend has something similar going on