Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no issues with people doing either of those things. I just want people to have fun

    168 months ago

    I way prefer these kind of gaming posts than the gaming “news”. So please keep posting these.

    Does the Pirate Ship gameplay in black flag still hold up? I remember everyone used to rave about how good it was.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      128 months ago

      I will say that I am incredibly biased for this game. To the point that My friends when we play Sea of Thieves always have to listen to me (jokingly) complain about how Sea of Thieves should control the ship more like Black Flag. But I still find that its naval controls is by far one of my favorite methods of doing it. It’s done in a way where it’s not too clunky and you need to micromanage, but it doesn’t take away from the action and makes you really feel epic. At least that’s how I personally about it

      38 months ago

      I’d like to answer as someone without nostalgia: yes it does. I played Odyssey in 2020 and IV 2022-current. The ship mechanics are very enjoyable to me. I beleive Odyseey made it more polished but I can’t actually remember how, so it must not be that important