Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no issues with people doing either of those things. I just want people to have fun
“Captain, we now have the materials necessary to upgrade the ship!” -Adéwalé after every naval battle even when it’s not true
Yeah, the best AC, unfortunately I lost my saves because I uninstalled some stupid Ubisoft tool
The best AC because it contains the least amount of AC.
The best AC is either Origins or Odyssey.
Origins was great, but I’m sorry the best was 2
2 definitely felt like they’d finally built a game around the tech demo that was 1.
Agreed. It might not be the best one but I have a real soft spot for revelations, old man Ezio is a very compelling character, the setting, wrapping up arc for characters. We get plenty of Egypt in games but I can recall ever getting the Ottoman Empire.
Also Unity is underrated, if it had been polished at launch I hold it would have been the best game in the original style gameplay series by far.
Loved the old man Altair bits as well.
I think Unity’s main issue was they marketed the multiplayer heavily, but it was only in the game for an extremely limited number of missions.
They managed to annoy single player gamers and multiplayer gamers in one stroke.
They got overambitious with the crowds as well, leading to poor performance on consoles, along with a whole load of weird bugs. I played it on PC years later (maybe when the Notre Dame burned down?) and there were still parts of the game bugged, or chugged down to 20 fps for no reason.
I don’t hate them as games, but the need for gear to be able to actually do assassinations on the bigger guys somewhat makes it not an AC game any more. Still the same slightly tired gameplay, but the one element that made it satisfying is no longer there.
I made that mistake with AC Unity. Got sent from the 6th section all the way back to the 4th. Nearly a year later and I still haven’t picked it back up to finish it
Unity was awesome too, my only gripe was the crowds, like streets and corridors full of people, just walking, partying maybe, this hanging my then GPU
Please keep going!
Black Flag is one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences. Crazy how long ago it was, covering my feet with a blanket during winter, humming pirate songs while sailing in the open sea.
I get that. I played it originally on PS3 when I was younger. To this day the PS3 controller is just the most comfortable way for me to play it just because of the nostalgia I have for sitting in bed playing it buried under a fuckton of blankets with my head poking out
I way prefer these kind of gaming posts than the gaming “news”. So please keep posting these.
Does the Pirate Ship gameplay in black flag still hold up? I remember everyone used to rave about how good it was.
I will say that I am incredibly biased for this game. To the point that My friends when we play Sea of Thieves always have to listen to me (jokingly) complain about how Sea of Thieves should control the ship more like Black Flag. But I still find that its naval controls is by far one of my favorite methods of doing it. It’s done in a way where it’s not too clunky and you need to micromanage, but it doesn’t take away from the action and makes you really feel epic. At least that’s how I personally about it
I just replayed it for at least the 10th time. The answer is yes.
I’d like to answer as someone without nostalgia: yes it does. I played Odyssey in 2020 and IV 2022-current. The ship mechanics are very enjoyable to me. I beleive Odyseey made it more polished but I can’t actually remember how, so it must not be that important
Would’ve been a really great game if it weren’t an Assassin’s Creed, but just a pirate game.
I don’t see why the name would matter much, it was a great game regardless.
Not the name, the AC game mechanics. It could’ve been an even better pirate game if it had focused on its strengths and dropped the AC baggage.
I disagree. The fact that it was a mix between pirating stuff and acrobatic land exploration helped making sure you never got tired of any mechanic. A game solely focusing on the boat would have gotten monotonous in my opinion
They listened to fans about wanting a Ubisoft pirate game and made Skull and Bones
The “quad A” game?
Thankfully the present-time “story” is negligible. I hated that about the series up to and including AC 3.
Naw its the best assassins creed game because its the best pirate game so far.
I knew this would take off. It’s very refreshing. 🤗
i wish i could do something like this but it would just be screenshots of one 10+ year old game for 6 month periods lmao
lmao. I get that. I’ve been trying to avoid repeating games, so I try to mix things up. Honestly the most of what I’ve been playing lately is Skyrim and Fallout NV
One of the AC I’ve yet to try. I liked the ship play in Odyssey so it’s definitely up on my list.
It’s my favourite AC game when it comes to story and atmosphere. Don’t procrastinate it any longer, I say.
Man i played this game a lot! Sadly I missed a couple of your posts because i think it’s cool way to reminisce
I want a game like Sid Meiers Pirates: Live the life, but in the style of Black Flag.
I basically don’t have friends anymore, so no sea of thieves, and it frustrated me when we did try playing a few years back.
I still fire the Xbox up occasionally so I can roam around plundering shi(t/p)
I really want to play some AC games. But I cannot stand the modern day bits. To me the parts when you wake up from the animus are just bad and unrespectful to my time.
There are some games where I can tolerate it because it gave me a nice break from the action but most other games it’s just insufferable. I love the Unity and Syndicate but theirs are just straight up cutscenes and I didn’t enjoy that
I felt like II had very few modern segments and was worth it
This game changed gaming. It took so much of what it was going for and left nothing to be desired. Good story. Good quests. Good graphics and gameplay. It delivered from start to end.
AC: Black Flag is such a gem after the hot mess that is Assassin’s Creed 3.
I’ve been meaning to play it. Is it good compared to the newer ones?
I’d like to go back and play the AC series. Played from the first AC to this one, and stopped because of burnt out.
Now it seems like I’ve been missing a lot and skipping some games to continue to the latest games feels like I won’t be able to enjoy the series.