And it’s Zephyr! Specifically, Funnel Clouds seem to resolve before attenuation is applied. I’ve been successfully oneshotting acolytes with my heavy slam Melee Duplicate Magistar across both rounds.

I haven’t tested if this a property of the blast interaction with tornadoes, or if non-blast heavy slams (which are rare) also nuke enemies before attenuation applies. I also haven’t tested if this is specifically a result of Melee Duplicate shenanigans with tornadoes or if, say, Doughty builds such as the Ruvox would also work.

Zephyr stays winning!

    22 days ago

    Been 1hitting archon’s with fragor+xatas whisper and melee animosity for months now, not sure if its skipping attenuation or just enough extra damage “steps” from the tornados.

    • @sandriverOP
      12 days ago

      If attenuation does get triggered, say by teammates, I notice increasingly decreasing damage per slam. I think Funnel Clouds and blast are just combining to deal a lethal hit which resolves before attenuation is applied.