And it’s Zephyr! Specifically, Funnel Clouds seem to resolve before attenuation is applied. I’ve been successfully oneshotting acolytes with my heavy slam Melee Duplicate Magistar across both rounds.
I haven’t tested if this a property of the blast interaction with tornadoes, or if non-blast heavy slams (which are rare) also nuke enemies before attenuation applies. I also haven’t tested if this is specifically a result of Melee Duplicate shenanigans with tornadoes or if, say, Doughty builds such as the Ruvox would also work.
Zephyr stays winning!
Have you considered more dakka?
no, demolished.
I came in here thinking, it better be zeph. as this build gains traction, i wonder how long until the nerf hammer comes aslammin’
Zephyr will never be nerfed, at ~1% play rate she definitionally can’t be disruptive to other players… right? 🥹
Been 1hitting archon’s with fragor+xatas whisper and melee animosity for months now, not sure if its skipping attenuation or just enough extra damage “steps” from the tornados.
If attenuation does get triggered, say by teammates, I notice increasingly decreasing damage per slam. I think Funnel Clouds and blast are just combining to deal a lethal hit which resolves before attenuation is applied.