For me, I’d like to see a simmulor and an amprex incarnon…

  • @Darkenfolk
    42 years ago

    I would love to have the cyanex as a incarnon weapon, it’s a really fun homing weapon but the damage is just ass(disclaimer, haven’t tried it with the galvanized mods and the adapters, it might actually not be ass) .

    Hell they don’t even have to give it a unique gimmick, just increased damage would be enough for me.

    • @sandriver
      2 years ago

      If you want to use the Cyanex as a for realsies gun, once you do get arcane adapters and galv mods, it has a bugged interaction with Galvanized Shot that causes that mod to multiply all damage. Secondary Encumber lets you rapidly stack all 13 physical and elemental status effects for a 16.6x multiplier, or 53x with Hornet Strike. (Direct component only though, so the efficiency of the bug is “only” 31x.) It can’t crit unless you’re Sevagoth, but it really doesn’t need to.

      Can either run Corrosive/Heat for raw murder, or Corrosive/Cold for mildly less murder, but Disruption priming utility.