For me, I’d like to see a simmulor and an amprex incarnon…

  • @SabreWalrus
    52 years ago

    Quatz and Amprex could be cool. Increasing Amprex usage could upset a few people using it as a stat stick for the high Riven dispo, but lots of people are moving towards Ceramic Dagger for their needs (which has had its interaction with pseudo-exalteds survive multiple updates so far, Xoris was changed very quickly). Plus Amprex’s own Incarnon evolutions could make it even better of a stat stick at the sacrifice of slightly reduced dispo

    Quatz is a cool little pistol, and its gimmick of changing to burst when ADS is interesting. Would be interesting to see how that could be incorporated into an Incarnon, giving it some dual evolutions that are different depending on auto/burst. It needs an overall stat buff to stand up in SP, which an adapter could give

    But if we do get any more adapters in the future, please no more Heat on Incarnon forms. I want more variety. Vastly increased IPS damage and status chance could actually be interesting, since increased Impact could weigh you towards Internal Bleeding/Hemorrhage builds that you couldn’t pull off without the adapter, increased Puncture can guarantee better crit chance break points, and increased Slash can drop Hunter Munitions from a build

    • @sandriver
      22 years ago

      I’d love to see a Quatz Incarnon! Especially if shifting it does the reload-from-empty mag slam animation and proc too.

  • Keegen
    42 years ago

    Tigris. I need my slash proc inflicting death machine back, DE! What has been done to poor Tigris Prime when the shotgun status rework happened was a travesty, it’s high time our duplex-trigger gold plated slash monster gets it’s glory back!

    42 years ago

    there are a whole bunch of mid to low tier ‘tenno’ weapons that are unassociated with any warframe and thus are unlikely to get primed any time soon. Daikyu, Okina, Veldt, Akzani, Castanas, Dual Zoren, Talons, Kestrel, and probably more i can recall off the top of my head.

    Also the Orvius, How has that poor thing been left out of the incarnons? Given that it actually have some story relevance it should probably get an incarnon form. Also they should figure out how to make the grapple mechanic it had during the new war its gimick instead of that puppet thing that I have literally never seen used by anybody.

    Zenith, Azima, and Zenistar should probably get thrown in there at some point, more so because just about everyone has at least one out of the set.

    Trumna and Sepulcrum are probably too good to need incarnons. I do love them dearly though.

  • @Darkenfolk
    42 years ago

    I would love to have the cyanex as a incarnon weapon, it’s a really fun homing weapon but the damage is just ass(disclaimer, haven’t tried it with the galvanized mods and the adapters, it might actually not be ass) .

    Hell they don’t even have to give it a unique gimmick, just increased damage would be enough for me.

    • @sandriver
      2 years ago

      If you want to use the Cyanex as a for realsies gun, once you do get arcane adapters and galv mods, it has a bugged interaction with Galvanized Shot that causes that mod to multiply all damage. Secondary Encumber lets you rapidly stack all 13 physical and elemental status effects for a 16.6x multiplier, or 53x with Hornet Strike. (Direct component only though, so the efficiency of the bug is “only” 31x.) It can’t crit unless you’re Sevagoth, but it really doesn’t need to.

      Can either run Corrosive/Heat for raw murder, or Corrosive/Cold for mildly less murder, but Disruption priming utility.

  • @Kaldo
    32 years ago

    Uhh, tbh I haven’t even tried any of the existing ones due to lack of free time, high resource costs and inability to decide which one to upgrade :D

    Maybe Cernos, especially if it also applies to faction variants like the Proboscis. I’m a bit surprised Lex adapter doesn’t work on Aklex too, they are basically the same old fashioned weapons. Akstilletos were always satisfying to use, they could use an adapter to bring them up to current power creep levels as well.

  • Selkie210
    32 years ago

    I know it’s a long shot since they’re already pretty good, but Accelatra and Nataruk would both be sick I think.

    Same with any Nikana, just because that’s probably my favorite melee type

  • @sandriver
    32 years ago

    I want a week that has Grakata and Twin Grakatas so I can finally live out my fantasy of TRIPLE GRAX.

    I actually don’t think they’ll ever do a Grak Incarnon due to Wild Frenzy already adding altfire functionality to the Grak though.

    Otherwise: a general pass over Chem Lab weapons. There are some decently cool weapons in there, but it’s definitely overshadowed by Energy Lab and especially the timeless madness that is Bio Lab. I’m also hoping Bio Lab weapons get Infested Lich upgrades… magnetic Synapse yes please.

    Argonak is a cool weapon, but it would be nice for loadout synergy if the funny dagger strip statstick was an actual functional gun, maybe with evolutions pertaining to equipping it from melee.

    Jat Kusar. Community-designed burning blade and whip! Absolutely awesome! Please make it OP, thanks.

    I’d also love to see a pass over weapons with augments in general. Daikyu is another pick. It’s still a monster, but I think Nataruk is stealing a lot of hearts.

  • Convict45
    32 years ago

    Kestrel, Kestrel, Kestrel. The most fun glaive, but by far the worst performing.

    Caustacyst. Fades hard in high level content, even with a riven.

    Akjagara. The prime is strong, but held back by semi trigger, just like the Dual Tox were.

    Akzani. No one anywhere uses these.

    Mutalist Quanta. It’s. Just. So. Weird.

    22 years ago

    Sparring weapons have some really fun and mobile stances but aren’t used much except for Hirudo lifesteal (and that doesn’t scale so well nowadays). They could benefit from an aoe increase (i.e. hitting out waves, phantom punches/kicks to either side), a way to translate their mobility into damage (i.e. parkour speed on kill, damage based on parkour distance) or unique scaling gimmicks that fit their power fantasy (i.e. armor/overguard-shattering punches).

  • b14700
    22 years ago

    i want my 7 forma akzani to be useful again pls