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Squidward’s Legacy
Where do I sign up?
System shock remake… Pretty incredible. Never played 1 but beat 2 a few years ago and it’s awesome playing an old school game again with a modern flair. Hoping to finish before baldurs gate comes out.
Just finished Sleeping Dogs, strange hybrid game from 2012. On one hand story mission structure from GTA games, melee combat emblematic of that era (focused on countering like Batman: Arkham or early AC games), shooting feels terrible and it borrows heavily from Max Payne. Then you have Hong Kong setting, but the game is made by a Western studio which allows for more graphic violence than say Yakuza series. All in all recommended for open world aficionados, who enjoy that GTA-feeling story, but definitely the ideas become stale after around 3-4 hour mark.
Remnant 2. I didn’t like the first one but man they’ve made an awesome sequel. It’s a ton of fun and very replayable, they’ve really managed to nail the Souls-Like formula while acing the procedural aspects as well.
Just got the Spyro and crash trilogies on sale on my Xbox. Haven’t played spyro since it came out on the ps1. Nostalgia hit to the max, and my 3 y/o daughter loves watching it too.
Naraka Bladepoint. It’s a shrinking-circle-style battle royale focused around fast-paced melee weapon combat. It’s been out for around 2 years but just went free to play a couple weeks ago. It’s fantastic. I’ve always loved invasions in Dark Souls, and while the combat is definitely different (maybe closer to Sekiro, but that’s not quite right either) it honestly feels like an improvement, as its designed for PvP first.
I am still going strong on Tears of the Kingdom. I love exploring a world I already new with changes and additions. I love having an open world game where I am still mandated to be a good person. I love getting creative with weird things. I love that my oldest kid plays as well and my youngest likes to help me solve puzzles. It has just been a blast for my family.
Remnant 2 - fun game, not as difficult as Remnant 1 imo but better for it.
Cities Skylines - no idea why I got the urge to play it. I’ve had a few failed attempts previously. And I still find it hard as hell to plan my shit out instead of haphazardly placing zones and industries. I’m still very early on (pre-office blocks) and my map is already a mess. I’m playing with the industry, mass transit and plazas DLCs. The industry one seems like fun but I haven’t got to the other two yet. I’m looking forward to the sequel but I know I’m going to suck at that too
I’ve been giving Exoprimal a try (free on GamePass). It’s actually a really fun mix of PvE and PvP so far! The story is hilariously strange as well. Not sure I’d think it’s worth $60, but for free it’s been a blast!
Exoprimal has been my surprise of the year. Really thought it was mediocre after a couple hours in but then it opened up with more game modes, dinos and became way more team focused and fun. The 10 player raids are some of the most fun coop I’ve had in the last years
Yeah I’m not sure if I just went in with low expectations, but really great so far!
How many hours do you think you had to play to unlock the 10 player raids? That sounds pretty awesome!
I don’t remember exactly the number of hours, but I’d say less than 5! It’s tied to player level/story progression. You get your first one a couple of story beats after your first mission with a cutscene in it ( the data collection one)
Zelda TotK and I just love how I run around the most random places and there‘s an activity there (like the sign support dude) lol, it gives the completionist in me anxiety though. Still not a fan of the glass weapon system, it just makes me not use the good stuff. Hope there‘ll be a version with better image quality and framerate in the future, maybe a bit crisper textures too. The game deserves it.
I recently got a ps4, and am catching up on things I’ve missed. This week I finished Infamous: second son Infamous 2 was my favorite open world game of its generation, and Second Son felt like a lot of the same. I feel like it was short, a lot of the missions felt copy/pasted, and I think the karma system wasn’t as interesting. The multiple power gimmick was fun, but I wish it was easier to swap around. It was disappointing that my favorite power is unavailable for the last few boss fights.
Overall I felt it was a 6/10, I liberated all the regions and beat the story with the “Good” end, but I’m not compelled to go back and try the evil route or finish everything 100%
Hunt Showdown with my mates, really loving this event. Had been burned out of the game for a long time but it feels sorta new now.
Crusader Kings 3, loving Tours and Tournaments. Hadn’t played much ck3 till now, I miss some features from CK2 but, I’m sure it’ll get there eventually. Not like CK2 was perfect out of the box.
Project Zomboid: doing a TLoU inspired run with a bunch of mods on apocalypse settings. It’s pretty hard, but very fun.
Rimworld: always there when I need it. Currently running a mafioso vampires run, pretty fun, but I think I’m ready to move on.
Pikmin 4, it’s got so many more useful navigation and UI features than the older games it really takes out a lot of the tedium, really getting in to it.
Been enjoying Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. It’s a lot of fun. Deeper than it appears from the surface.
LoZ: Ocarina of Time. I really appreciate that I can run across the main part of the map in less than an in-game day. BotW and TotK are vast and I love them in their own right but I am really enjoying the OG scale of the map.
Edit to add: and the dungeons! :)