So, Supreme Snyder is directing this billions years old epic.
So, Supreme Snyder is directing this billions years old epic.
Or just at least mid coffee. I live in a coffee producing country, and I’ve tried everything from really expensive coffee to bottom of the barrel, both local and from abroad. The only cup of coffee I sipped and spat out was a Starbucks in Houston.
Stalker, from 1979 I think. Based on the book Roadside Picnic. Background is, aliens came to earth, did some weird shit, and left without cleaning up after themselves. Now some people dedicate themselves to the anomalous artifacts produced by these aliens.
Because the same people profiting from this system bankroll the media and politicians. And when those kinds of things are discussed in media, it flies over people’s heads because media literacy isn’t really common.
I’m just a bit worried my 2070 will choke a little in the more demanding areas. I’ve seen it can get quite chaotic and that’s when it gets worse.
Hunt Showdown with my mates, really loving this event. Had been burned out of the game for a long time but it feels sorta new now.
Crusader Kings 3, loving Tours and Tournaments. Hadn’t played much ck3 till now, I miss some features from CK2 but, I’m sure it’ll get there eventually. Not like CK2 was perfect out of the box.
Project Zomboid: doing a TLoU inspired run with a bunch of mods on apocalypse settings. It’s pretty hard, but very fun.
Rimworld: always there when I need it. Currently running a mafioso vampires run, pretty fun, but I think I’m ready to move on.
Yeah, I’m aware of the latter. Wish studios would stop using advancements in tech to cover up deficiencies in optimization.
Ah, shame. Think I’ll wait on performance patches. I got no problems running it but I’d rather not buy something not up to basic specs.
Been eyeing this with my mates but haven’t copped due to price. Are performance issues as bad as recent releases?
Worst thing is I know better and still cant keep my damn mouth shut
OP didn’t cut off her mum because of her identity, they did so because their mum didn’t respect them or their wishes. Have a good day, dude, you’re a lost cause.
Not very polite or reasonable ngl
Honestly OP, I’d look into third party controllers. I’m assuming you’re gaming on PS, but if you’re gaming on PC, 8bitdo makes bang for buck xinput controllers. I got the pro (I think, has paddles round back) and it’s held up through Rocket League, Elden Ring, Fifa, and For Honor. No drift issues just yet.
Thanks for the thorough explanation! I’ll keep an eye on this.
Mr Samuel Streamer is my daily bread. Funny dude. Never miss a video.
Cleared it up, thanks! So, going forward, how’s it looking for the socialist party? How is the whole thing gonna play out? I’m entirely unfamiliar to how the spanish political system works. If it was similar to my country, elected leader (do you guys have a president?) would be locking horns all term long with congress and getting absolute jack shit done.
Not spanish, correct me if I’m wrong: conservative/alt right majority was narrowly avoided by socialists and there might be a second round of elections soon?
Has your SO tried books? Ebooks or audiobooks could be helpful. They could try reading a book they are already familiar with in english, that way they wouldn’t have to put too much effort into getting acquainted with characters and plots, and focus into pronounciation, grammar and slang.
But you could add some truck nuts behind every train car and some bull horns on the front.