Minecraft. I’ve gotten sucked in all over again, lol. Happens every other year at this point
Last of Us part 1. Never played a Last of Us, but streaming to the steam deck has got me playing more single player games.
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Jet Set Radio Future!
Stellar game. Looking forward to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is the reason I’m replaying JSRF all these years later! I’m (im)patiently waiting for its release
Man, I loved that game and played the hell out of it when I first got it. The music is just so damn good that I still listen to it despite not playing for so many years.
The music is so fucking good in JSRF and JSR. I’ve had the tracks in playlists for years despite not touching JSRF since I was a kid with access to the OG Xbox. It’s a shame it was never brought up to any other platform so I’m forced to emulate
V rising. I’m playing on my own server with just my husband on occasion. At this point it’s mostly barbie dream house. I send the servants off to farm and keep redecorating.
I’m a little conflicted about having a prison in my house though. My husband tells me I’m a vampire so that makes it ok.
So much Street Fighter 6. I’ve played fighting games my whole life, but I’m enjoying taking this one a little more seriously. I still suck in online but am slowly improving! Also playing Back 4 Blood with some friends, which is always fun!
God this game is difficult
That game looks super cool. Will prob buy it when it’s on a deeper steam sale.
Finished the campaign for D4 over the weekend, still lightly dipping into TOTK, trying not to rush through it.
Waiting for the first season to not burnout on D4, probably in need of picking up another game here soon. Really could go from something like Stardew….
For me:
Wo Long, again, on the PS5 this time and with the Season Pass. I’m a freak so I’ll get it done before the first DLC drops this week
FFXVI. I have many, many thoughts about this game right now but I’ll hold my tongue until I finish it. i probably will.
PSO2:NG. I’m done with grad school so I’m delving into those big, forever games again. FFXIV is boring to me now so I thought I’d give NG a try. I played PSO2 a lil bit now and again. if you play this lemme know! I’m on Ship 3, but I literally just started, so
Battle Bit Remastered. The only FPS I’ve ever been good at is Apex. This is not that, but it’s fun and low stakes so I’ll take it.
Ender Lilies and Afterimage. I’ve been on a Metroidvania kick lately
Street Fighter 6. still searching for my main (and my skill in this game)
I’ve been playing “Haiku the Robot” that was recently featured in Humble’s Metroidvania bundle. It’s a really nice, small Hollow Knight clone.
Tears of the Kingdom as I have been every day since it came out and as I likely will every day until I’ve one hundred percented it.
I finished Overload this weekend, so I’m wandering through my backlog looking for a next thing that sticks with me for more than five minutes. Oxygen Not Included doesn’t seem to be cutting it, so… we’ll see. I’ve got Cataclysm: DDA around as a light diversion until I get pulled into something, and there’s always Guild Wars 2 and Deep Rock Galactic.
Playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time and having a lot of fun
I wish I could forget the game and start again (hoping for something along those lines once the Phantom Liberty update dropps lol) Enjoy!
I somehow skipped over Hollow Knight until now. I’m playing that this week, and maybe forever.
The game is dope.I’m not a gamer.
I beat the original Contra on NES and I’ve barely played anything ever except the first Animal Crossing and AC:NH during the pandemic.
I picked up Hollow Knight for Christmas last year and it’s the first game I’ve played to completion in literally 35 years. I just got [no spoilers] ending with 105% completion like two weeks ago.
I can’t begin to convey how much I love this game. It’s definitely what I’m (still) playing this week.
Right? It’s just that good!
It really is though. I’m super excited for you :)
Slight spoiler warning:
Same for me. I put it down for a few days after failing Mantis Lords and Soul Master and getting salty about the bench placements, but after watching this video on why the Mantis Lords are fantastically designed , I picked it up again and start to really enjoy it – winning both of these boss fights in two attempts. Before engaging them again, it was worth exploring more and getting stronger. The game doesn’t communicate well how strong you currently are (e.g., by not having health bars for the bosses). The best clue was to see how well you can score against the standard monsters in that area.
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I played the heck out of it too! The base building mechanics are pretty satisfying. I do like how they’ve set up exploration, and I can’t wait to see some of the location designs, plus once they build up combat, it may create a pretty fun loop. The underdust is a pretty cool location too, hopefully it gets more than the one variant soon. That being said, I do think the roadmap is a pretty achievable one, and it’ll keep people coming back when there are major updates.
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Deep Rock Galactic on my own (rock and stone!), Stardew Valley with my wife, and Boomerang Fu with my kids. I’m visiting family next week, so I’ll need to decide on something to play on my Deck.
I’ve just picked up Brotato yesterday, it’s a roguelike bullet hell where you build up your character and try to survive 20 waves using loads of different weapons and items. The great thing is you control your character with just one analog stick, but it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Reminds me a lot of old flash games I used to play as a kid. I’ve only played for a few hours so far and managed to win one run. Personally, I love the experience of figuring out a gameand working out optimal strategies, an itch which Slay the Spire has been scratching for a long time for me. I can already tell I’m going to invest a lot of time into this game, I was hooked right from the beginning. Loving the sound of SMG bullets decimating entire hordes of enemies. Well worth picking up on steam, plays really well on the steam deck. The game is only £4 at full price, and it’s 20% off right now.