I had a lot of interesting answers when I asked about everyone’s favorite non-gameplay thing in Warframe, so I am back with this one.

I have always wanted Mirage because she looked like a jester, the fact that she is a glass cannon was not on my mind when I got her (she is much stronger than I thought though)

Then came Hydroid, I know he is not so useful and needs a rework, but I love Eldrich horror and a Cthulu/Kraken had to be in my arsenal.

So what is yours?

  • Tgnome
    72 years ago

    When my wife saw Mirage Prime she decided she wanted to play so I immediately started farming her parts and helping her get her MR up (when mirage prime needed MR 8 to use) in time for her birthday. Since then we’ve played about 1000 hours of the game together.

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      22 years ago

      I have to agree with your wife that Mirage Prime is just beautiful. This is a very heartwarming story too. Unfortunately by the time I got serious in the game, she was vaulted.

      • Tgnome
        22 years ago

        I have some spare mirage prime neuroptics if that would help you out

        • @AuntieEeveeOP
          12 years ago

          I will need to buy all the parts for plat to make her, since I joined so late after she was volted, I might get her if she resurges.

  • @PJepb@beehaw.org
    2 years ago

    I am a big sensory person, so I often latch onto stuff that really nails it in one of those applicable categories. For instance, I am playing a lot of Styanax right now for the soundscape of the clinking metal footsteps and the strange echo-voiceline effects on ability use, it is very satisfying. Wisp for very similar reasons, such a cool set of sound effects. Citrine’s visuals are so pretty and make my eyes happy. Yareli I fashion-framed to look like coral and she makes me think of the beach so it makes me happy to play her too. Xaku makes me feel like I’m experiencing the ‘spooky scary skeleton’ meme in 4D. Also Vauban juggles when you are holding down his ball abilities and I just think that’s neat :)

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      42 years ago

      The thing that made me write my other post was that I loved the noise Nezha makes when he activates his 3. Warframe is strangely a very sensory game. I sometimes play the circuit just for all the singing in it.

  • @WadeTheWizard@lemmy.world
    52 years ago

    Being able to compose little jingles on Octavia’s mandachord was a major incentive to get her. Zephyr’s mech skin keeps me playing her even when other frames would be better suited to the mission.

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      32 years ago

      I mained Octavia for a while, I got her for free but the marching band look was a big draw for me (especially the “feathers” on her hat). I had no idea I could compose for the Mandachord when I got her. Genuine question, what is Zephyr not good for? she is one of my favorite frames to play, but I have not unlocked everything yet.

      • @WadeTheWizard@lemmy.world
        22 years ago

        Zephyr’s biggest failing IMO are her survivability and the inconsistency of the CC on her 4th ability. It doesn’t really pick up enough enemies to compete with other frame’s hard CC abilities, and those tornadoes wander too much which is a pain on some defense tilesets. She has solid abilities and good augments, but none of her skills are the best at what they do. Despite all that, she’s a solid frame with good ability synergy.

        She does have one specific build that I love. Slap some “damage reduction while airborne” mods on her, use Tailwind to hoverglide. Get out your Knell, headshot to activate full auto mode, use Air Burst (with the Airburst Rounds augment) to group enemies into a pile, and then unload. It gets even better if you have Arcane Velocity equipped to increase firerate. It turns Zephyr into an A10 Warthog.

        • Rylatar
          32 years ago

          Max range 3 with good duration and I’ve got like, zero issues surviving well into 4-digit level Circuit. Only real issue has been with the bs Thrax Legatus does but that’s the reason I’ve got Rolling Guard, protects from that and whatever eximus units might try to do. Damage reduction build is fun but only goes so far.

        • @SabreWalrus
          22 years ago

          You shouldn’t really have any survivability issues with her 3. You’re only vulnerable to melee and special attacks like Eximus abilities or Thrax lasers, and since you want to be in the air for her passive that keeps you away from melee, and special abilities are things you should be dodging anyways

          Her 4 can also create stationary tornadoes by holding the cast button rather than tapping it. It’s true that their innate succ range isn’t too high (and modded range doesn’t help), so her 2 does help out with them a lot (where modded range does help)

          • @AuntieEeveeOP
            2 years ago

            You’re only vulnerable to melee and special attacks like Eximus abilities

            That is my only problem with her 3, the Eximus units. Although I would like to see OP try to stay floating far in the Kuva fortress.

            I use stationary tornadoes with 2 all the time, and it slaps, this is why I wanted to know what OP thought she wasn’t good for.

            • @SabreWalrus
              22 years ago

              Rolling Guard is a great safeguard against special attacks too - even in chaos where you can’t keep track of everything, the shield gate lets you know something’s got through and you can roll out of trouble with added status cleanse

              I’ve always felt like her 3 is a good iteration of the “invulnerability” abilities in higher level stuff - Revenant’s Mesmer Skin is a bit too strong, Rhino’s Iron Skin is a bit too weak, etc. Zephyr’s 3 having some vulnerabilities helps keep me engaged and moving around

              I agree her kit’s great, imo in most general gameplay she’s one of the best picks for pretty much everything. It’s only in niche contexts where other frames are a far better choice than her

              • @AuntieEeveeOP
                12 years ago

                Rolling guard is one of these things that feels like a legend, I hear people talk about it, but have never found one, I will wiki it and see if there is a farm I can do.

                • @SabreWalrus
                  22 years ago

                  Ahahaha, it’s well worth it! It’s bought from the Arbitration shop, so it does require starchart completion unless you trade another player for it

        • @AuntieEeveeOP
          2 years ago

          and those tornadoes wander too much which is a pain on some defense tilesets

          You can deploy stationary tornadoes, I almost exclusively use those, especially on defense and excavation. I do agree so much that they don’t attract enough enemies and I have to pull them with her 2 most of the time, which is annoying for energy economy. I have had some problems with survivability but I thought it was because one of my mains is Nezha, who is a tanky boi.

          Also now I really want to try your build. I need to get her augments though.

  • @sandriver@beehaw.org
    42 years ago

    I came back to the game just after TennoCon 2021 because I liked Yareli’s visual design. She’s definitely one of the fashionframes ever. I like Equinox Prime for similar reasons.

  • @EgyptoShinobi
    42 years ago

    As a student of Egyptology how could I possibly resist Inaros!

    Currently securing the parts to build Inaros Prime 🙏🏽

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      12 years ago

      As an Egyptian, Inaros was a must-have, I am still building him though.

  • @Ruision
    2 years ago

    Hydroid Summons Kraken

    I Use Kraken

    Nami Solo has Stance called Cyclone Kraken

    I am Kraken.

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      12 years ago

      Oh, I see there is a Kraken enjoyer here.

  • @Morrow
    32 years ago

    Wisp for that ass…tronomically beautiful animations ;p

    Also Ripkas from weapons, I put it on Nekros and fashioned him into Chainsaw Man xD

  • @TelosBoltor
    32 years ago

    Sibear i will be crafting in a few days, mainly want it for bragging rights and the ability to helminth cryotic

  • Rylatar
    32 years ago

    I got and maxed out every single bow and most crossbows in the game because I love archery even if I’m probably the worst sharpshooter on this side of Sol System. It’s also the reason why I got a riven for Ballistica (sadly not even that fixes it, incarnon please :c). It’s also the reason why Ivara is my fave aesthetically (and mostly gameplay wise too).

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      12 years ago

      I still never played a crossbow. I am a terrible shot too. I like automatic primaries. Spray and pray.

  • @Torchbound
    22 years ago

    I really liked Latron when I collected the first one when starting the game. It’s a simple but cool shooting rifle. It’s not great, but I’m collecting every Latron in game and not putting them away, even if I’m not using them.

  • @shogun
    22 years ago

    The Ghoulsaw looks so cool. I don’t care if it’s practically unusable, just look at it.