Lol the article 403s with my VPN on.
Lol the article 403s with my VPN on.
Every service is doing this as expenses and interest rates go up. Its the driving force of enshittification. All the VCs want internet startups to finally turn a profit.
It was there first and you can share it with friends more easily. For Plex you just register with the central server and share your username with your friends or w/e. Jellyfin has nothing like that.
I dont see how you can do that without launching your own national credit card companies. And good look trying to do any grass roots organizing for that.
If you even write one line of bash you are programming. The way you’re describing it only makes sense if you’re using the terminal like dmenu_run
. You metaphor breaks down the moment someone so much as uses cd
. Even worse once you throw a pipe or redirect in. All of this you absolutely will have to do when installing Arch.
Its absolutely irresponsible to tell people that installing and running Arch Linux is like talking to a discord bot.
Early 00-10s indie synth:
Similar video gamey music:
Early dubstep:
Late 90s breakbeat:
If you’re mindlessly pasting commands, sure… but you have zero idea what your fucking with if you think bash is simpler than HTML.
In the context of maintaining an Arch distro you will absolutely need to understand that executing CLI commands is in fact programming.
is the basic arch CLI commands any different from discord bots? it feels easier to use if you think its same as playing with a discord bot. using CLI isnt some kind of programming
Thanks for the hearty chuckle, zoomer.
Bash and all other shell languages are programming languages. The terminal is just a REPL for a language primarily meant to be used as a REPL for managing your OS.
Originally, yes the Ashkenazi’s were the big Zionists. Modern Zionism is an Ashkenazi invention after all.
However, after generations of Ashkenazi’s treating the local Mizrahi’s as second class citizens, the Mizrahi’s have become the most rabid Zionists. Its a similar dynamic to how second class whites become the most racist.
Someone is claiming to be the one of the bidders on hexbear right now
Probably a hexbear trolling other hexbears but w/e 🍿🍿🍿
This is assuming cybertruck owners are proles and not landlords and small burgers.
That will probably corrode the exterior in this case.
You never know what another person is really going through in life
We can often assume its a divorce.
Its right-wing because of the content and target of the trolling. They’ve said this started as a target harrasent of certain projects.
You can safely do a shallow copy and re-use references to the unchanged members if you have some guarantee that those members are also immutable. Its called Persistent Data Structures. But that’s a feature of the language and usually necessitates a GC.
Saves memory.
Qtile is great because its a program-your-own WM. I think awesomewm is the same and offers Wayland support now.
Constantly talking shit about liberals
Lol this has been a socialist past time since the dawn of socialism.
If dmenu was made by a nazi I wouldn’t give a shit because its just dmenu but hyprland is so clearly made by a pack of /g/
zoomers who want their desktops to look like 1337 haXors without any access to the low level systems. Its all discord script kiddie hype-beasts.
Its a tiling window manager made by people who never used a tiling window manager on X11. I know I’m sounding like an elitist boomer but this shit really violates some core Unix principals of making small composable utilities that empower the user. RiverWM or Sway keep to this philosophy.
WTF? Is this even considered ai anymore? Sounds more like a Just-In-Time search engine.
Whats telling is that these scrapers aren’t just downloading the git repos and parsing those. These aren’t targeted in anyways. They’re probably doing something primitive like just following every link they see and getting caught in loops. If the labyrinth solution works then that confirms it.