And it’s Zephyr! Specifically, Funnel Clouds seem to resolve before attenuation is applied. I’ve been successfully oneshotting acolytes with my heavy slam Melee Duplicate Magistar across both rounds.
I haven’t tested if this a property of the blast interaction with tornadoes, or if non-blast heavy slams (which are rare) also nuke enemies before attenuation applies. I also haven’t tested if this is specifically a result of Melee Duplicate shenanigans with tornadoes or if, say, Doughty builds such as the Ruvox would also work.
Zephyr stays winning!
Zephyr will never be nerfed, at ~1% play rate she definitionally can’t be disruptive to other players… right? 🥹
who will speak up for the birbs???
tried the 60 eyes boss w this build. no one-hitting that fool