And it’s Zephyr! Specifically, Funnel Clouds seem to resolve before attenuation is applied. I’ve been successfully oneshotting acolytes with my heavy slam Melee Duplicate Magistar across both rounds.
I haven’t tested if this a property of the blast interaction with tornadoes, or if non-blast heavy slams (which are rare) also nuke enemies before attenuation applies. I also haven’t tested if this is specifically a result of Melee Duplicate shenanigans with tornadoes or if, say, Doughty builds such as the Ruvox would also work.
Zephyr stays winning!
who will speak up for the birbs???
tried the 60 eyes boss w this build. no one-hitting that fool
I noticed the infested phase of the Apex also wasn’t susceptible, although phase 1 absolutely is (after armour removal at least). I wonder what causes that!
Possibly for the 60 eyes Fragmented, it could be the DPS limit being set lower. It also has >2x as much HP as an archon.
Incidentally, Zephyr does have a neat setup for the 60 frame where Silva & Aegis can easily apply and maintain large heat procs by creating heat tornadoes through slams.